9th Grade Scheduling Visit…A new chapter of your life beings! Welcome to the high school, Class of 2022!
The most important part of SCHEDULING… The most important part of SCHEDULING…. UNDERSTANDING YOUR GRADUATION PLAN. You need 25 credits to graduate. You can earn 7 credits each year. Therefore, you should earn 28 credits when you graduate if you pass all your classes. You must earn at least 6 credits each year in order to move to the next grade level. Sophomore- 6 credits Junior- 12 credits Senior- 18 credits You must show proficiency in Algebra, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams in order to graduate.
English Sequence Placement in 9th grade English classes is based on data review and teacher recommendations. If you are likely able to pass the Keystone Literature Exam in 9th grade, you will take Literature II. If you would be best to wait and take the Keystone Literature Exam in 10th grade, you will take Literature I. You will then take Literature II in 10th grade.
Social Studies Sequence All students will take United States History I. Placement in 9th grade Social Studies classes is based on data review and teacher recommendations. If you have an 85% or higher in Social Studies, you will take US History I Level 2. If you have less than an 85% in Social Studies, you will take US History Level 1 unless a teacher recommends you otherwise.
Science sequence Students need at least 3 science credits to graduate as well as an additional credit in either science or math. All students must demonstrate proficiency on the Keystone Exam. After passing Biology and being proficient on the Keystone, students may take any science course.
Science Sequence Placement in science courses is based on successful completion of Algebra IB. If you take and pass Algebra IB at the middle school, you can schedule Biology I or Biology I Honors. All other students will take General Science.
Mathematics Placement in math courses is also based on 8th grade math placement. If you complete Algebra IB with a 70% or higher, you will take Geometry. If you complete Algebra IB with a 90% or higher, you can take Geometry or Geometry Honors. If you complete Algebra IA, you will take Algebra IB. If you fail Algebra IA, you will repeat Algebra IA.
Wellness/Fitness Everyone will take a half credit of Wellness and Fitness each year. This covers the Physical Education and Health curriculums. You can also choose to take Dance or Outdoor education later in high school. These count as wellness/fitness credits.
Essentials of computer science All students in the class of 2022 will take Essentials of Computer Science to meet the graduation requirement involving technology/computer literacy.
Arts and humanities Each student needs 2 credits worth of classes in any combination of the following areas: Spanish Art Industrial Arts Family and Consumer Science Music, Band, Chorus Foreign Language classes are generally considered a CP class. West Perry does not require students to take a language; however, college admissions requirements want to see 2-3 years of a language in high school. Any additional classes beyond 2 credits will count towards electives on the graduation plan.
Electives All additional classes that students choose to take beyond the graduation requirements listed above count as electives. For example, if a student takes Spanish I and Spanish II, he or she has fulfilled the 2 credit requirement for Arts and Humanities. Spanish III and Spanish IV would count in the elective area. All Business/Computer Programming classes count as electives. Vo-Tech counts as an elective- 3 credits per year. Most Agriscience courses count as electives. Some can count as a science class. (See course guide for information.)
Keystone Exams Due to new state regulations, you must show proficiency in Algebra, Biology, and Literature by taking and passing a Keystone exam in each subject. If you are not proficient on a Keystone Exam, you will be required to take a remedial course to help you learn the exam content. This remedial course will take an elective space on your schedule. It is a requirement. You cannot drop the remedial course in order to take Driver’s Ed, art, or any other course that is not a graduation requirement.
Choosing the right courses for you Talk to your teachers and parents. You will see teacher recommendations when you log on to schedule. USE THE COURSE CATALOG. Talk to trustworthy friends in the high school. Honors classes (Level III) are more challenging, move at a faster pace, and cover material in greater detail. College Prep (Level II) and Honors (Level III) classes prepare you for the SAT exam and college level academics. They also ensure you meet NCAA eligibility to play college sports. Honors classes (Level III) are weighted and help your GPA and class rank if you do well. They often require you to read books over the summer before the class starts.
Course Failures and Credit Recovery What if I fail a course? Option 1- Reschedule the course the next year. Option 2- Summer School Option 3- Correspondence Course It is possible to fail one class and move on to the next grade. For example, if you fail your Literature class, you will lose ONE of your SEVEN credits. You will earn 6 credits for your freshman year. You need 6 credits to be a sophomore. Therefore, you will move on to 10th grade, BUT you will need to retake the Literature class because it is a graduation requirement. However, if you fail Literature , Algebra , and Digital Citizenship, you will lose 2.5 of your 7 credits. You will only earn 4.5 credits for your freshman year. You will be a freshman again the following year because you did not earn 6 credits. You can move on and take 10th grade classes in History and Science because you passed the 9th grade prerequisites, but you must retake Literature, Algebra , and Digital Citizenship.
Scheduling timeline Tuesday, February 13th : High School Scheduling Night Portal Opens by February 20th. Thursday, March 1st : Online Scheduling Requests Due Early May: High School Orientation August: Schedule arrives in the mail with information about Open House Night.
Online resources High School Website: Click on Services/Counseling Center/Scheduling. or use Guidance Google Classroom. Both resources will have The West Perry High School course catalog The 9th grade scheduling sheet A copy of this Powerpoint A copy of the Powerpoint shown at Scheduling Night (available after February 13th). High School Counselor will be Mrs. Bell. You can email her at hbell@westperry.org with questions or concerns.