MarketBeat Graphs Q3 2017
MarketBeat Graphs Q3 2017 Office Market Graphs Slide 2 Industrial Market Graphs Slide 8 Retail Market Graphs Slide 14
Office Market Graphs Q3 2017
Office: Net Absorption/Asking Rent 4Q Trailing Average
Office: Overall Vacancy
Office: New Supply
Office: Asking Rent by Market Highest Priced U.S. Markets
Office: Vacancy by Market Select Markets in the U.S.
Industrial Market Graphs Q3 2017
Industrial: Net Absorption/Asking Rent 4Q Trailing Average
Industrial: Overall Vacancy
New Demand Reflects eCommerce Dominance/Rise 2008Q1 = 100
Primary Markets Powering Demand, Secondary Not Too Shabby Year-to-Date Net Absorption (MSF)
Few Signs of Overbuilding Year-to-Date Deliveries by Type: Deliveries (MSF), Vacancy (YoY Chg., BPS)
Retail Market Graphs Q3 2017
Retail: Rental Rate vs. Vacancy
Retail: Availability by Type
Retail: Deliveries and Space Under Construction MSF