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Ingram Micro Cloud University Jason Bystrak Executive Director, North America
How Ingram Micro Helps Transform Your Business Flexible Cloud Platforms Comprehensive Services Catalog Business Transformation Little to No Investment Enable Customers to Self Serve Bundled Solutions Start Selling Quickly Up-sell & Cross-sell Manage Pricing Leverage Distribution in transitioning to cloud, distributors can add value by providing new cloud-specific logistics and continuing to provide credit and financing, aggregation, training and enablement, marketing and sales, technical support, and more. These are some examples of how solution providers have capitalized on what Ingram Micro has to offer. No Investment There are no entry fees, and becoming an Ingram Micro Cloud Reseller doesn’t cost anything. Just pay as you go. The only investment would be the time invested in familiarizing with the OSA (Odin Service Automation) environment. Start Selling in Minutes Once your Ingram Micro Cloud Reseller application has been processed, you immediately get access to the entire portfolio of cloud solutions. Provisioning of most services only takes a few minutes. Launch true cloud services and benefit from higher levels of utilization and your customers benefit from data center automation. Bundled Solutions Our solutions are available à la carte, but in order to make things easier we have also created generic bundles, as well as bundles specific to vertical markets. Manage Pricing By default, there is a 25% markup defined in the system for all our solutions. However, resellers are able to edit this value in order to offer a more competitive pricing, or on the contrary, to increase their margin. Manage Customers Within their Reseller Control Panel (RCP) resellers are able to manage: their End-Customers, as well as End-Users, and End-Users subscriptions (cancel, upgrade, downgrade) Upsell & Cross-Sell The marketplace has been designed in a way that you will never miss an opportunity to upsell or cross sell. Expand Your Value-Added Services by adding services on top of reselling technology products. This is key to a healthy practice. Some examples of what some service providers are doing: Customization services. Design applications, automate services, and customize experiences to help your customers best leverage products such as Microsoft Office 365. Data migration services. Many customers have legacy data to migrate to the cloud. There is an opportunity to provide consulting, project management, and migration services to support this need. Integration services. Integrate various Microsoft and third-party applications to generate services revenue. Managed services. Provide first-tier support, remote desktop management, and even remote monitoring and administration of cloud services through third-party platforms. You can also offer SharePoint customization as a managed service and charge for training on a subscription basis. (Source: IDC Market Spotlight, Building a Cloud Practice: Reselling Cloud Solutions, April 2015, Marilyn Carr) Some more points to make: Granular control over your business with just a few clicks User friendly self-service control panels No Cloud Expertise Required Pay as you go Real-time User and Customer Management Instant access to Enterprise Class ISV products and services With new software always being developed, keep up with the pace of change, keep credibility, stay current, stay knowledgeable. Partner with a company that takes the time to vet products.
Flexible Cloud Platforms Cloud Delivery Your Way to Accelerate Your Business Growth ☁ 🔓 SaaS Software Licensing Cloud Marketplace ☁ Cloud Store ☁ 🔓 Odin Automation Premium 🔓 Odin Automation Essentials 🔓 Ensim Automation Suite 🔓 Ingram Micro Cloud hosted/managed Provider self-hosted/managed Simple management Fast deployment Core services portfolio High scalability Full control Broad services portfolio Ingram Micro has taken up the challenge and is aggregating best-of-breed cloud products in easy-to-implement solutions. We have created and over the years have acquired advanced front-end and back-end systems to allow two main pieces of functionality: a solution catalog of cloud offerings and a way for solution providers to bill for subscription, recurring, variable consumption scenarios. Our aggregated solution marketplaces simplify complex processes into provisioning and billing platforms while helping partners provide their customers with complete solutions. As you take a step into the platform economy and leverage the digital era, Ingram can provide you with the right platform to support your cloud business model. From 4 platforms that are delivered through the cloud, and hosted and managed by Ingram, illustrated here in color: Private Label, Cloud Store, Cloud Marketplace and Cloud Store The 2 platforms that are on premise SW, hosted and managed by yourself, are Odin Automation Premium and Odin Automation Essentials As you move from right to left, the ability to customize and integrate the platform goes from low to high. So with our Cloud Referral or Cloud Marketplace offering, there is little to no ability to customize the platform. But as you move into Private label or Odin Automation Premium, you can pretty much customize the platform as you would like with fewer limitations The level of customization will obviously impact the time to market. As you move from right to left, the time to market will increase. You can pretty much be up and running within minutes on Cloud Referral of Cloud Marketplace, and within hours with Odin Automation Essentials and Cloud Store. Our Private label and Odin Automation Premium platforms require a project implementation because of the customized nature of the platform Finally the cloud solution catalog goes from Ingram vendors and ISVs only to a hybrid model from right to left. With Cloud referral and Cloud marketplace, you are basically leveraging Ingram’s commercial relationship with cloud providers and ISVs. And as you move to Ingram Micro Cloud Essential, Cloud Store, OSA Premium and Private Label, you can adopt a hybrid strategy where some cloud providers and ISVs come through Ingram’s commercial relationships, while others come through your own. And there is nothing stopping you from onboarding into your catalog your own cloud providers and ISVs exclusively. You don’t have to use any of Ingram’s commercial relationships. Establish your eCommerce presence Determine your platform strategy What are the options offered by Ingram: OA Premium & Private Label, IMC Essential & Cloud Store, Ingram Marketplace and Ingram Referral Other points: Comprehensive automation technology (order, provision, manage, invoice) Single source code Syndicated and hosted platforms (one size doesn’t fit all) OA Premium OA Essentials Cloud Store Cloud Marketplace Ensim
Comprehensive Cloud Catalog Rollout New Services Rapidly and Maximize Profit Largest cloud ISV ecosystem in the industry Partner on-boarding and commercial enablement Enables cross-sell/up-sell with your own services Technology integration and APS standard 24x7 SUPPORT Professional & Managed Services Vertical Solutions Healthcare Legal Government Retail Horizontal Solutions Business Applications Cloud Management Services Communications & Collaboration Infrastructure Security Web Presence PARTNER CHANNELS TELCO HOSTER VAR OEM MSP SI CUSTOMERS CONSUMERS SOHO SMB ENTERPRISE GOVERNMENT Many more… 400+ ISVs –to name a few: Autodesk, law tool box, nomadesk, yola, equid, acronis, azure, softlayer Dropbox, vmware, cisco, symantec, trend micro, and many, many more NCR Odin is Market standard for cloud application integration Commercial Relationships with 1700+ vendors and 100+ cloud service providers and ISVs Connected to all cloud platforms Vertical Solutions (bundles) Professional services (e.g. Migration Services, Cloud Management Services) Hybrid Catalog (i.e. hosted, as well as Tier-1 and Tier-2 syndicated cloud solutions)
Business Transformation Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 11/10/2018 7:50 AM Business Transformation Simplify Your Transformation with Wide-Range of Programs and Resources Market Insights Partner Enablement Partner Programs Go to Market Cloud Referral SMB Research 24x7 Support Professional Services Portfolio Optimization Vendor on-boarding Cloud Echo Cloud University Sales and Marketing Resources Customer Service Partner Enablement Channel Programs (Referral Program) Lead Generation Tools 400+ Dedicated Cloud Sales associates to help drive your Cloud business © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Patrick Keaveny Bryan McKinley David Jeffery Ingram Micro Cloud Business Development Michael Perry, Director of Business Development Patrick Keaveny North Bryan McKinley South David Jeffery West
Ingram Micro Cloud ConnectWise Integration Invoicing Synchronize monthly invoices from the Ingram Micro Cloud marketplace with your ConnectWise platform to automate monthly invoicing for cloud services. Support Integrate ticketing with Ingram Micro Cloud’s post-sales service desk to manage customer support incidents through your ConnectWise platform. Cloud Console Leverage integration between the ConnectWise Cloud Console and the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace to make Microsoft Office 365 subscription management and purchasing automated and easy.
Ingram Micro Cloud @ IT Nation Visit us at Booth # 317 Come to our break out session Session Title: Transform Your Business with Cloud Date: November 10 Time: 11:20 am to 12:20 pm Room: Bayhill 19-20 Abstract: Learn how to build a cloud business model alongside your existing business. What are the practical approaches? How do you get buy-in from key stakeholders? What are best practices to ingrate your ConnectWise platform? Attendees will also learn how to build a cloud business plan.