1 piece of cardstock and “string” for STORYTIME Day 1 Algebra I Review A.2, A.3, A.4 Objective SWBAT review algebra I skills, solving equations, simplifying radicals & factoring Warm-up if time permits Homework Teacher Contact Information Sheet Log into: Pearson, Google Classroom, Text Reminder 1 piece of cardstock and “string” for STORYTIME Set up your geometry notebook Honors: worksheet (1-23)- all work Geo: problems 1-17
Welcome to Geometry & Honors Geometry Regular Geometry: you will not be responsible for the concepts in red. Honors Geometry: You will be responsible for all items on the power points, as well as those in red. Online hw assignments will be due each Friday beginning the second week of school. Geometry Notebook: expectation sheet, assignment sheet, dividers labeled units 1, 2, 3, ….through 11 (see your expectation sheet) * You will also need graph paper in your notebook as well as your “Storybook” which will be given to you in class
Admin Notes: I highly encourage you make corrections on all quizzes/tests/SOL questions using the rubric on the wall! I will collect at least 1/nine weeks for additional points (if correct and all calculations shown). After 5 hw assignments, I will collect and record your hw stamps; if 5 consecutive hw stamps are earned, you will earn 1 extra credit point.
On a desktop computer to sign up for Email notifications go to.. Block: Text Reminder To: 81010 On a desktop computer to sign up for Email notifications go to.. www.classroomgoogle.com Code: www.pearsonsuccess.net Password: 2 Honors Geometry @3h4e2 rmd.at/3h4e2 qah7bl block2 3 Geometry @gge7k rmd.at/ggc7k ybp98x5 block3 4 @f8hbgb rmd.at/f8hbgb w2e5eo block4 6 @6hn rmd.at/6hn s1ko75 block6 7 @feda64 rmd.at/feda64 4pzmqqd block7
Google Classroom Directions Log in with your school email to classroom.google.com Enter the class code for their block At the assignment that says Join Google Classroom, hit open, and then mark as done. If you have forgotten your password, you need to let me know so it can be reset in order for you to complete the assignment.
Hit Open Mark as Done
If Time Permits Answers: −2𝑥𝑦 2) 3 5 3) 5 3 4) 5 3 −2𝑥𝑦 2) 3 5 3) 5 3 4) 5 3 5) 𝑥 6 6) 𝑥 20 7) 𝑥=−11 8) 𝑥=−2.5
Terms to know Term- separated by a plus or minus Like Terms - same variable Distributive Property: a(b+c)=ab+ac Reciprocal: two none zero numbers whose product equals 1.
Solving Equations http://www.tubechop.com/watch/8315363 Simplify double negatives Distributive property Variable terms on the left Constants on the right Combine like terms on the left Combine like terms on the right Solve (opposite operation) Check your solution
1. Graph and Label
How many triangles can you form in a ……… 4 sided figure? 7 sides? 29 sides? What conclusion can you make?
Steps to Simplify Radicals http://www.tubechop.com/watch/8315379
Steps to Factor: http://www.tubechop.com/watch/8315338
Kahoot Expectation Game…. www. kahoot. it Classroom Rules https://www
Honors Geometry Homework:
Honors Homework (day1)- Fold your paper so that you have two columns & four rows; number left to right
Regular Geometry Homework:
Homework (day1)- Fold your paper so that you have two columns & four rows; number left to right