ProviderConnect Registration Enhancements Illinois Department of Human Services / Division of Mental Health and Illinois Mental Health Collaborative Present ProviderConnect Registration Enhancements December 2011
Implementation of Enhancements The enhancements in this presentation will be implemented 12/09/11. ProviderConnect will be unavailable while the new screens and processes are put in place. An alert will be sent out the week of 12/05/11 with the specific down time. All registrations for Williams Class Consumers will need to be completed in ProviderConnect until the Batch registration process is in place
New Fund - Williams Class fund • Add field for Williams Class Consumer Indicator: Y or N • Add new field for IMD Home Code – list of valid IMD home codes are in section 1 of the ProviderConnect manual • Add new value to Residential Arrangement: 80 - IMD • Add new value to Qualifying Exceptions: 4- Williams Class Consumer • Add new value to MH Closing Disposition: 10 - Refused Transition • Add new value to marital status to accommodate civil union: C- Civil Union
Eligibility for Williams Class The Collaborative will receive a file from DHS with Williams Class eligible consumers. These consumers will be loaded into the Collaborative system with a fund code of EWCC. Consumers with active DHS SS (STBO) and EWCC can be registered in the Williams Class (WCC) fund.
EWCC eligibility 5
New fields – Williams Class indicator and IMD Home Code 6
Additional values for existing fields Add new value to Residential Arrangement: 80 - IMD Add new value to Qualifying Exceptions: 4- Williams Class Consumer Add new value to MH Closing Disposition: 10 - Refused Transition Add new value to marital status to accommodate civil union: C- Civil Union
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