Causes of WWI
Nationalism Strong in both Germany and France Germany very proud of military power and industrial leadership French were bitter about defeat during Franco-Prussian War Alsace and Lorraine
Nationalism Eastern Europe “Powder Keg” Russia felt it had duty to protect all Slavic people Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey feared nationalism “Powder Keg” Balkan states fought each other after winning war against Turkey in 1912 Caused tensions to a fever pitch
Militarism Glorification of the military Social Darwinism “Survival of the Fittest” Great powers expanded armies and navies Caused arms race Britain vs. Germany
Alliances Triple Alliance 1882 Germany and Ottoman empire Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary Germany and Ottoman empire 1894 France and Russia 1904 France and Britain Entente: nonbinding agreement Later Britain signed entente with Russia and Japan
Alliances Caused diplomatic failures Divided Europe into competing camps
Imperialism and Industrialism Imperialism brought confrontations between differing cultures Competed for most colonies mainly in Africa/Asia Industrialization Europe needed best goods to be considered leader Competed for top position Germany vs. France
June 28, 1914
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