South East High School Student Survey Data Student Focus Groups South East High School Student Survey Data Have students introduce themselves
Setting the Context Purpose of the Student Focus Group: Provide your thinking and interpretation of the data - Outcome of the Student Focus Group: - Use your input to inform school decisions 1500 students were surveyed around student voice Purpose is to gain insight from students to inform and to improve school wide decisions and practices that are relevant to students
Essential Question “How can student voice contribute to school change and improvement?” This is the “Why!” This is what’s driving the work.
Explain the diagram… Dreaming- some students have great dreams, other don’t (they are hibernating) Some students do a lot (they sweat), but without dreams they will not aspire Give example...
Someone that is doing and dreaming… is aspiring and they exhibit these conditions Focus on the condition that your group will be working on
Clarifying Survey Questions Take two minutes to read the questions Chose one question that you like the most (*) Chose one question that you need help understanding (?) Turn to an elbow partner and share your responses (1 min) Share-out: Tell us your partner’s responses Distribute hard copy of section of survey data results This will give students an opportunity to do a first read of the questions This also gives students an opportunity to speak (warms them up) Ask students if they have any questions
Spend A Buck!!! Decide which questions speak to you “Spend A Buck” by using .25 cent increments You can spend a whole dollar on one question, or break it up Narrow it down to 3 Need poster sized data sheets Need round stickers (dots)
Potential Questions for probing and clarifying… from the planning notes (in blue) What does it mean…? Give me an example of…? Can you describe…? What has happened at this school/community that leads to this finding? What can be done about this? Why do you think this is so? What are some things that may have influenced this finding? What can students do to address….? Do you agree with this finding? Why or why not? Is there an important question you have that wasn’t on the survey? What are some concrete examples or specifically of this... What can be the (school, teachers, staff) to address this finding?
Thank You Jaguars!