Mrs. Treadwell’s Class Brill Elementary Open House
ARRIVE AT 7:50A.M. Enrichment begins with math and vocabulary warm ups It is important to be here everyday. Please call the office if your child is out sick. Please send a note with your child when he/she returns. Send a note ahead of time if you know your child is going to be out. Students are responsible for asking for the make-up work.
Tardies and Early Dismissals Please send a note to be turned into the office. Doctor/Dentist appointments: Please try to make them during specials or after school. P.E. and Music * Music – Monday 11:30a * PE – Tuesday/Wednesday 10:45a * PE/Music - Thursday 8:25a – 9:55a * Art – Friday 10:45a
Contact us Business cards with my information was placed in each student’s agenda. It contains my website and my email. Email is easier for us to check than the phone. We will check our email after school daily if not before. If you have an urgent message for us, please call the Brill office and they will deliver it.
Conference Time *Monday 11:30a *Tuesday/Wednesday 10:45a The 5th grade conference time: *Monday 11:30a *Tuesday/Wednesday 10:45a * Art – Friday 10:45a Please call or email to schedule a time to meet with us. 832-484-6190 Mrs. Treadwell
Websites Utilize our websites – they are a valuable source Contact information Website links Reading Log/Spelling words and contract/weekly agenda Parent information (FAQ) Upcoming tests/quizzes Homework
HOMEWORK Teaches students to be responsible Practice skills introduced in class Students write assignments in Agenda. Missing Homework – Students will bring home a slip which you need to sign. The missing homework must be completed and turned in.
The Agenda What can you do? Please check your child's agenda nightly. They will have items written down on a daily basis. THURSDAYS: Reading Log/Spelling Contract/Spelling Test Any unfinished classwork may come home as homework. All students work at different paces. Some students may find that they will have homework due to their use of time during the day. Some students are also very detailed oriented and this can cause homework.
Look for your child to bring home Tuesday Folder Look for your child to bring home a folder each Tuesday. Inside will be information on grades, upcoming events, and classroom performance. Signature required.
Goals for Our Fifth Graders To be responsible for their work, study habits, and discipline To always treat their peers and the school staff with respect To develop strong character so others will see them as respected individuals To be prepared for their next level of education
Power Hour All students spend this time participating either in small teacher-led groups or working independently on different activities. Reading Math Independent Activities – computer work, reading, writing, math warm-ups, research, projects, etc. Explain what students will be required to learn/do in math this year.
PATH: College Readiness Plan Organization Goal Setting Positive Attitude
We would like students to arrive at 7:50 A.M. This is a great time for enrichment, to catch up, questions about homework, to get ahead, Stride Academy, or read a book. Students immediately go to their homerooms. *Students are tardy after 8:20 AM
STAAR Tests In 5th grade, Math and Reading must be passed for student to be promoted to 6th grade. Math March 28th Reading March 29th Science May 9th On this slide explain what assessments your students are required to take such as GMADE, GRADE, DIBELS, or other standardized tests. You might also want to include some information about spelling tests or other weekly tests.
* PE – Tuesday/Wednesday 10:45a * PE/Music - Thursday 8:25a – 9:55a Students will visit four special classes each week. Our schedule is as follows: P.E. and Music * Music – Monday 11:30a * PE – Tuesday/Wednesday 10:45a * PE/Music - Thursday 8:25a – 9:55a * Art – Friday 10:45a On P.E. days please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately Type your special class information here. Mine is included as a starting point.
United States History Projects Vocabulary SOCIAL STUDIES
ACHIEVE AND BELIEVE ACTIVITIES REWARDS EXTRA RECESS “GOOD” PHONE CALLS ACHIEVE AND BELIEVE ACTIVITIES Tickets/Prize drawings Consequences Warning Tuesday Folder marks Phone Call home Office referral
Phone Calls Home E-mail * E-mail * E-mail Teacher websites Tuesday folder District Student Handbook/Code of Conduct Monthly School Newsletter Parent Connection
Encourage Assist Review papers that come home in Tuesday folder. Read to your child and have him/her read to you. Monitor homework ENCOURAGE THEM TO DO STRIDE ACADEMY AT HOME