DC CAS Anchor Paper Training Reading – Secondary Grades 7, 8 & 10


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Presentation transcript:

DC CAS Anchor Paper Training Reading – Secondary Grades 7, 8 & 10 Heidi Beeman Assessment Specialist Office of Standards, Assessment and Accountability January 19, 2012

Session Outcomes By the end of the session participants will: Examine various grade level anchor papers and norm their scoring practices aligned to the rubric; Discuss ways these anchor papers can be effectively implemented into their instruction.

Protocol and Norms We will review a series of anchor papers from each grade level. We will review as a large-group, as well as independently and with elbow partners. This is a conversation. Please feel comfortable to ask questions and be respectful of each other in order to hear those questions being asked and comments made.

Read the article by Arnie Duncan and its corresponding writing prompt. Respond to the writing prompt using relevant and specific details. If time permits, self-grade your response per the attached rubric.

Each Anchor Paper is supported by: A reading passage A writing prompt A passage specific rubric A score rationale A Student Sample Response Rubric, including specific responses for each score Each of these supports will be examined as we norm the anchor papers. Reflective questions will be asked throughout the session.

Grade 10 Expository, non-fiction, text will be the primary focus of the new CCSS. 50% of the text students work with will be expository.

Grade 10

Grade 10

Deconstructing the Writing Prompt Grade 10 Deconstructing the Writing Prompt Based on the article, explain the characteristics of ants that have enabled them to become a long-lasting species. Support your answer with relevant and specific details from the article. Write your answer on the lines in the answer booklet. What is the prompt asking of the student?

Grade 10 Student Response Rubric

What score would you give this response? Grade 10 – Student Work Sample A What score would you give this response?

Grade 10 Scoring Rationale

Grade 10 Student Response Rubric

Why did this student score a “3”? Grade 10 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 3 Why did this student score a “3”? -Was the student able to manage the grade-level passage? -Did the student carefully read and respond to the writing prompt?

What score would you give this response? Grade 10 – Student Work Sample B What score would you give this response?

Grade 10 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

Why did this student score a “2”? Grade 10 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 2 Why did this student score a “2”? -Did the student provide textual details? How many? -Does incorrect grammar and spelling penalize a response?

What score would you give this response? Grade 10 – Student Work Sample C What score would you give this response?

Grade 10 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

What did this student do right? Why did this student score a “1”? Grade 10 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 1 What did this student do right? Why did this student score a “1”? -Reading ability? -Time Management?

What score would you give this response? Grade 10 – Student Work Sample D What score would you give this response?

Grade 10 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

What did this student do right? Why did this student score a “0”? Grade 10 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 0 Let’s ask ourselves the same questions we asked of the student response that scored a 1. What did this student do right? Why did this student score a “0”? -Reading ability? -Writing Support?

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Deconstructing the Rubric Grade 8 Deconstructing the Rubric Score Description 3 The response demonstrates a complete understanding of how the presence and roles of African Americans in the White House have changed since 1901 and includes support that is clear and complete provides relevant and specific details/information from the text   2 The response demonstrates a partial understanding of how the presence and roles of African Americans in the White House have changed since 1901 and includes support that is partially clear and/or partially complete provides mostly relevant but somewhat general and/or inaccurate details/information from the text 1 The response demonstrates a minimal understanding of how the presence and roles of African Americans in the White House have changed since 1901 and includes support that is minimally correct or incomplete provides inadequate, incorrect, or no relevant details/information from the text The response demonstrates no understanding of how the presence and roles of African Americans in the White House have changed since 1901. Any details/information that is included is incorrect or irrelevant. How do rubrics help students?

Grade 8 Student Response Rubric

What score would you give this response? Grade 8 – Student Work Sample A What score would you give this response?

Grade 8 Scoring Rationale

Grade 8 Student Response Rubric

Grade 8 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 2 Why did this student score a “2”? -What did this student do right? -What response technique was this student taught?

What score would you give this response? Grade 8 – Student Work Sample B What score would you give this response?

Grade 8 Scoring Rationale

Grade 8 Student Response Rubric

Grade 8 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 3 What did this student do right? -Does good writing just happen?

What score would you give this response? Grade 8 – Student Work Sample C What score would you give this response?

Grade 8 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

What did this student do right? Grade 8 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 1 What did this student do right? -Would reviewing, then attaching the rubric and scoring notes for a subsequent revision help?

What score would you give this response? Grade 8 – Student Work Sample D What score would you give this response?

Grade 8 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

What did this student do right? Grade 8 Student Work Sample Analysis – Score of 0 What did this student do right? -What skill was the student able to use in this response? The student knows how to identify details and was able to read at least the first part of the passage. These skills can built upon to enhance both writing and reading abilities.

Grade 7

Grade 7

Student Response Rubric Grade 7 Student Response Rubric Compare and Contrast are important skills for all students to master and articulate.

Deconstructing the Student Response Rubric Grade 7 Deconstructing the Student Response Rubric Compare and Contrast are important skills for all students to master and articulate.

What score would you give this response? Send your response to: Grade 7 – Student Work Sample A What score would you give this response? Send your response to: Polleverywhere.com http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/MTAwNDc4MDEzMg

Grade 7 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

-Why did this student score a “1”? -Would a graphic organizer help? Solid first sentence and beginning analysis of each poem. You correctly identified how the poems compare! Please closely reread the two poems. Look again at how they contrast and use textual clues and quotations to support your response. Grade 7 Student Response Analysis – Score of 1 -Why did this student score a “1”? -Would a graphic organizer help? -What constructive feedback can we offer?

What score would you give this response? Grade 7 – Student Work Sample B What score would you give this response?

Grade 7 Scoring Rationale and Student Response Rubric

-Is time management an issue? Grade 7 Student Response Analysis – Score of 2 Good work supporting your response with examples from the text. Please closely reread the two poems. Look again at how they compare and contrast. Continue to use textual clues and quotations to support your response. Study standard English conventions for titles of poems and the use of quotation marks. -Is time management an issue? -Would teacher modeling of an analysis of the poems and the subsequent written response make a difference?

What score would you give this response? Grade 7 – Student Work Sample C What score would you give this response?

Grade 7 Scoring Rationale

Grade 7 Student Response Rubric Would sharing this sample response with students help them understand the expectations of the writing task?

How would you use this, or any proficient paper, in your classroom? Excellent textual examples supporting how the poems compare and contrast. If time allows, double check word choice and consider alternatives for repeated words. A thoughtful and well written response! Grade 7 Student Response Analysis – Score of 3 How would you use this, or any proficient paper, in your classroom?

What score would you give this response? Grade 7 – Student Work Sample D What score would you give this response?

Grade 7 Scoring Rationale

Grade 7 Student Response Analysis – Score of 0 You have a solid grasp of the terms “alike” and “different” (compare and contrast). Please closely reread the two poems and use the graphic organizer to identify key words and phrases identifying how the poems are alike and different. Next, use the information in your graphic organizer to support your response to the writing prompt as you revise and edit. Look at the posted model paper for ideas if you feel stuck. Remember, good writers rewrite many times in order to produce a quality product. Would this student benefit from constructive feedback and an opportunity to revise and edit?

Released Test Item Location Reading items are located via the link below. Please note, the passages may not be posted on a public website, but can be used by teachers in the classroom. https://upload.dc.gov/osse You will need to login with this information to access the released items: Login ID: NCLB_User2 Password: items2 (Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the folder titled: test items) Math and Science items are located on the OSSE NCLB website (the link is on the top right side). http://www.nclb.osse.dc.gov/

Closure Thoughts and Comments Feedback / Evaluation Next Steps Survey Monkey PD Certificates

Contacts: Tamara Reavis tamara.reavis@dc.gov Director, Assessment and Accountability Heidi Beeman heidi.beeman@dc.gov Assessment Specialist – English Language Arts John Neral john.neral@dc.gov Assessment Specialist – Mathematics