Bomb Threats Against Schools
Incidents and Threats Bomb incidents: any event in which an actual bomb or bomb look-alike is involved Bomb threats: any event in which a bomb threat is communicated that may or may not involve an actual bomb or bomb look-alike
Incidents Bomb incidents: 1,055 from 1990 to 2002 Bomb threats: Rashes Maryland school district reported 150 bomb threats and 55 associated arrests. The South Carolina Department of Education in its 1999-2000 school incident crime report lists “disturbing schools,” which includes bomb threats, hoaxes, false fire alarms etc., among its 10 top crimes, second only to simple assaults.
Types of Bomb Threats Conditional Instrumental Getting even Hate Handout - grid of types and specificity
Impact on victims Disruption of lives Cost to school Fear 90 percent of bomb threats in schools may turn out to be pranks. Many school districts report losses in excess of $250,000 because of school closings and costs of bomb search squads. School districts are increasingly requiring schools to make up days lost due to bomb threats. 70% people believe school shooting could happen to them.
About Bomb Threats Mode of delivery Specificity How serious? Specificity (see handout for grid) place and time indicated in the threat; description of the bomb to be used; specific targets mentioned or indicated; reason given or implied in the threat.
Causes Planned or impulsive? A grievance? Known to others? Is there a profile? School climate? Opportunity? Technical Information easily available Telephone and internet Concealment
Questions to ask About the school or schools About the threats Locations and times Check relevant page in guide - handout
Prevention: Partner with schools Bomb threat response plan School security Phone system School climate Troubled children After school