ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
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Goals Content Objective – Participants will explore how to plan effective instruction that addresses the language development process of ELLs identified at the beginning and intermediate proficiency levels in grade 3 or higher. Language Objective – Participants will discuss how to design instruction to provide an intensive and ongoing foundation in second language acquisition. Read training goals with participants to model the practice of having objectives reviewed with students prior to a lesson or instruction. Content objectives describe what content will be learned, while Language objectives describe how the content will be learned. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
ELPS Instructional Tool Meeting the Linguistic Needs of Beginning/Intermediate ELLs Language Development Process ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) Degree of Linguistic Accommodations by Language Domain Linguistic Processing Skills The purpose of this tool is to support and outline how to plan focused, targeted, and systematic instruction to meet the linguistic needs of ELLs identified at the beginning and intermediate proficiency levels in grade 3 or higher as well as explore the language development process. Processing Activity: Refer to the Table of Contents and have participants engage in a picture walk or tab particular sections to ensure participants are familiar with the format and/or layout. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 74.4 (b)(4) requires that school districts Refer participants to pp. 6-7 Explain how the ELPS are the second language acquisition curriculum necessary for the success of ELLs. More specifically Ch. 74.4 (b)(4) requires that school districts… refer to slide and remind participants to keep this in the forefront in regards to this tool. Processing Activity: Have participants scan/read, and share with partner “What stood out to you?” Maybe you thought it was surprising, important, unexpected, different from what you expected, etc.) ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Second Language Acquisition Progression of skills in the four language domains Receptive skills are necessary for comprehension and attainment of language Expressive skills are needed to express and share ideas Instructional tasks must implement a multitude of learning interactions promoting the development of receptive and expressive skills simultaneously Refer participants to pp. 8 Remind participants that Texas educators must provide intensive and ongoing foundational second language acquisition instruction to beginning and intermediate ELLs in grades 3 or higher in order to support content-based instruction and the accelerated learning of English. Second language acquisition is a process of learning a second language or target language and it is an interdependent process. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Second Language Acquisition Focused Targeted Systematic Instruction and academic tasks are specifically designed with an emphasis on promoting students’ English language development. Instruction and academic tasks are purposefully aligned to the language proficiency levels of ELLs. Instruction and academic tasks are carefully planned and consistently implemented to address the progression of skills necessary to support the accelerated learning of English. Refer participants to pp. 9 THESE ARE THE DEFINITIONS FOR FOCUSED TARGETED AND SYSTEMATIC – BUT WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT LOOKS LIKE IN THE CLASSROOM? SEE NOTES ON P. 9 Remind participants that beginning and intermediate level of English language proficiency in ELLs require focused, targeted, and systematic second language acquisition instruction to provide them with the foundation of English language vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and English mechanics necessary to support content-based instruction and accelerated learning of English. Refer to slide for the definitions of focused, targeted, systematic. Pose the question, what does this look like in the classroom? Have participants review the sample teacher behaviors to employ while planning instructional activities that support English development and content attainment. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Second Language Acquisition Understand students’ language proficiency levels to linguistically accommodate academic and essential vocabulary Provide students with a linguistic platform to build on in order to advance to the next proficiency level Allow students to practice oral and written forms of grammar and syntax during cooperative and independent tasks Include elements of the four language domains during content-based instruction Refer participants to bottom of p. 9 Emphasize that the foundation of the English language is necessary for ELLs’ development and attainment of TEKS based content. LET’S USE AN ACTIVITY THAT WILL ENCOURAGE THE USE OF LANGUAGE SKILLS READING, LISTENING & SPEAKING – TO PROVIDE A TARGETED TOOL WHEN YOU SPEAK TO YOUR GROUP, USE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE STEM… CLICK I THINK ___________________________ WILL ASSIST ELLs’ DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE AND CONTENT BECAUSE ______________. Processing Activity: Have participants form groups of four and each will pick one of the bullets to discuss how it will assist with ELLs’ development of language and TEKS based content. I think ___________________________ will assist ELLs’ development of language and content because ___________. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Language Development Process Involves: PLDs (Proficiency Level Descriptors) Linguistic Accommodations Language Development Activities Supplementary Activities Progress Monitoring Language development planning and content-based instruction involve an ongoing process in which teachers of ELLs must identify and respond to the linguistic and academic needs of individual ELLs. Processing Activity: Have participants engage in a jigsaw learning activity with the components of the Language Development Process. Participants may also provide an example of how each of the components of the Language Development Process are used for ELLs in their classroom, school or district. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Refer to pp. 10-11 THIS IS A TEACHER’S ROAD MAP. GOOD INSTRUCTION FOLLOWS THE MAP – DOES NOT END, BUT REVISITS FREQUENTLY AS STUDENT SKILLS DEVELOP. Review the instructional process for the design and delivery of language development and how it provides guidance for making decisions to foster a supportive language-learning environment for ELLs to reach their full academic potential. Processing Activity: Have participants reflect and discuss the system in place at their campus and or district to support instruction that meets the linguistic needs of ELLs. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Language Development Process How do/does _____move ELLs toward the attainment of English language proficiency? What is the effect on ELLs’ progress if _____ is/are not addressed? What is the relationship between the performance of ELLs and _____? How is the English langue proficiency of ELLs affected when _____is/are not addressed? Explain to participants that these questions are intended to generate a reflective discourse regarding the language development process emphasizing the progress, performance, and attainment of the English language for ELLs. CONSIDER USING THIS ON YOUR CAMPUS. Processing Activity: Have participants form pairs or groups and select a Language Development Process term(s) to complete the question stem(s). Once question stems are completed, each participant will answer the question and share their responses. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors The descriptors in each column define the summary statements and demonstrate what students know at each level of proficiency. Refer to pp. 15 Language proficiency is the level of skills demonstrated when receiving messages (input) and expressing meaning (output). Students should be able to consistently and effectively demonstrate these skills across a variety of academic and social contexts. DISCUSS HOW TEACHERS USE THIS INFO – SHOW ELPS FLIP BOOK. Processing Activity: Have participants review the descriptors in each column that define the summary statements and demonstrate what students know at each level of proficiency for each of the language domains (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Planning Linguistically Accommodated Instruction with the ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors Take into account the ELPS Cross-Curricular student expectations and the PLDs Choose appropriate lesson activities, supplementary materials and linguistic accommodations Familiarization with the PLDS allows educators to work efficiently within students’ current proficiency levels and assist students in developing the skills necessary to progress the next proficiency level. Refer to p. 16 Language development planning and content-based instruction involves an ongoing process in which teachers of ELLs must identify and respond to the linguistic and academic needs of individual ELLs. The ELPS-TELPAS PLDs provide the guidance for educators to design and deliver grade-level, content-based instruction in conjunction with providing ELLs with a foundation in the English language. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Degree of Linguistic Accommodations by Language Domain Refer to p. 21 The cone-shaped model depicts the cumulative, spiraling, building nature of second language learning. The body of language skills associated with a given stage of proficiency is prerequisite to the broader range of skills at the next stage. The arrows indicate that language continues to develop beyond the advanced high level. This level is not intended to equal the English language proficiency of a student whose first language is English. Over time, advanced high ELLs understand finer nuances of English meaning, use more natural phrasing, and learn low-frequency words, idioms, sayings, etc., that are typically familiar to individuals whose first language is English. In addition, students may move through certain levels more quickly or slowly than other levels. Without appropriate instruction, for example, some learners may “plateau” at the intermediate or advanced level. These students need carefully targeted linguistic support to help them attain the level of English they need to make the learning of academic concepts easier. The body of language skills associated with a given stage of proficiency is prerequisite to the broader range of skills at the next stage. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Degree of Linguistic Accommodations by Language Domain Refer to pp. 22-25 This section provides an overview of the degree of linguistic accommodations by language domain (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). Although the each table includes all four levels of language proficiency, the focus is on beginning and intermediate examples of linguistic accommodations in accordance to TAC 74.4(b)(4). Processing Activity: Have participants compare the degrees of linguistic accommodations for a Beginner and or Intermediate to an Advanced and or Advanced High. Participants may also identify key features for each. The level of linguistically-accommodated instruction decreases as students advance to higher levels of proficiency. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Degree of Linguistic Accommodations by Language Domain Review the Classroom Activity, Teacher Supports, and Student Outcomes for each of the language domains. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Linguistic Processing Skills ELLs must be provided with multiple opportunities to employ a variety of grammatical structures some grammatical structures tend to be acquired more easily than others progression is often simple to complex Refer to p. 26 Linguistic processing tools, such as sentence frames and probing question, can be adapted and/or scaffolded to support ELLs at varying levels of language. Language development activities and student-learning tools need be rooted in classroom instruction to support the transition from one level of language proficiency to the next. With time, ELLs will begin to acquire and attain the ability to apply these skills effectively in academic and social settings. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Linguistic Processing Skills Sentence frames provide students with the means to receive and express language while reducing their anxiety. Levels of content and language development will increase as students do not have to contend with context, grammar, and syntax simultaneously. Refer to p. 26 SEE NOTES IN BOOK. The goal is to increase the linguistic complexity necessary for beginning and intermediate ELLs’ participation in listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. SUGGEST THAT THEY WOULD WANT THEIR TEACHERS TO… Processing Activity: Have participants select a theme/concept and identify an instructional task or classroom activity to use for the sentence frames and probing questions (pp. 28-33) selected. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Goals Content Objective – Participants will explore how to plan effective instruction that addresses the language development process of ELLs identified at the beginning and intermediate proficiency levels in grade 3 or higher. Language Objective – Participants will discuss how to design instruction to provide an intensive and ongoing foundation in second language acquisition. Review training goals with participants to model the practice of emphasizing the importance of having objectives reviewed at the end of each lesson to recap the objectives of the lesson or instruction. Remind participants that Content objectives describe what content will be learned, while Language Objectives describe how the content will learned. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. ELPS Instructional Tool Copyright Texas Education Agency 2013
Session Evaluations matter! You will receive an e-mail asking you to complete a four-question evaluation of this session and giving you instructions for accessing your transcript. Our goal is 100% participation! You will be asked to rate this session on a scale of 1-5 (with 1 meaning Strongly Disagree and 5 meaning Strongly Agree). It is also our goal to receive the highest rating of 5 on each of the four questions. If you are completely satisfied with this session today, you can simply click on the evaluation link and click the “Submit” button. However, if you determine that you cannot give this session a score of 4.5 or higher, please elaborate in the Comment section of the evaluation or speak with me after we dismiss to discuss your concerns.
If you are completely satisfied with this session today, you can simply click on the evaluation link and click the “Submit” button. However, if you determine that you cannot give this session a score of 4.5 or higher, please elaborate in the Comment section of the evaluation or speak with me after we dismiss to discuss your concerns.
Gretchen Kroos Team Lead 817-740-7630