How to Correct a Quiz or Test And Prepare to Retake It
First click on Assessments, then on Regular Assessment. Then click on the NAME of the assessment.
This is the screen that you will see. If you click Solution next to an item that you missed, you will be taken to the quiz or test.
Copy the missed problems onto your corrections sheet. It is a good idea to copy each one onto the front of a 3x5 card, too.
If the solution is available, copy it onto the correction sheet. Also copy it on the back of the 3x5 card, for future studying.
Do this for every problem that you missed.
When you have finished copying all the problems that you missed, close the test, go back to the previous page and select View Diagnostic Report. Next to a topic < 100%, click on “Go to Tutorial.”
When you get to the tutorial, click on the right arrow until you find an example that looks just like one of your problems, with different numbers.
Here it is, a problem very similar to yours Here it is, a problem very similar to yours. Note that the solution is available for all problems in the tutorial. Click on New Version until you find the problem that you missed.
You can use this two ways. Click New Version to find the actual problem that was on your quiz or test, and the solution, or
Click New Version to find other problems for practice, before you take the quiz again. You will see one of these problems on your next attempt.
When you are ready to return to the Diagnostic Report to review or practice another problem, just close the window.