Class of 2019 Naviance Student: Senior year CHS Counseling Department
College Applications: Timeline Senior Meetings on August 17th and August 21st during SRT Counselors will begin processing requests for transcripts/college application materials the week of August 27th Individual Senior Conferences with counselors starting the week of September 4th College Information Night Program: September 5th & September 11t …same program both nights College Application/Essay Help Sessions: 9/19 (late start and srt), 10/2 (SRT), 10/10 (late start and srt), 10/22 (srt), 10/24 (psat day option for seniors) Most common application deadlines: November 1st, December 1st, January 1st…you have time! Use your senior checklist!
Access Naviance Student through any CHS Canvas Course Homepage Students can also access directly via the following URL:
Select About Me followed by My Account to update your email address.
Click “Edit” to update your email address Click “Edit” to update your email address. This will be used to communicate with you throughout the college application process.
College applications & Transcripts Using NAVIANCE STUDENT to process your college applications
seniors will use Naviance student to communicate with their counselor throughout the application process add colleges to their active application list (colleges i’m applying to) request transcripts for colleges in which they are applying notify the counselor that they have submitted their application to the college match their common application account indicate the admissions decision they received from the college electronically request letters of recommendation from teachers must be requested in person prior to naviance student request request transcripts for ncaa eligibility and scholarship applications
There are three ways to add a college to your Colleges I’m Applying To list. Move the school from your Colleges I’m Thinking About list Match your Common Application account that already includes your CA colleges Manually add the school within your Colleges I’m Applying To list
Option #1: Select Colleges/Colleges I’m Thinking About from either the top menu or My Favorites menu to access your list of potential colleges
Option #1: Check the box(es) of the college(s) you want to move your Colleges I’m Apply To list and select Move to Application List
Select your planned application deadline Indicate if you are using the Common Application or the application directly through the college Only check if you have already submitted the application. If you have not, you will be able to mark the application as submitted at a later date within the Colleges I’m Applying to page. If you have already applied to the college, select Add and Request Transcripts. Otherwise, select Add Applications. You can request the transcript later after you have applied.
Select initial transcript as your first request Final Transcript will be selected at the end of the year once you have chosen the college you will attend Click to submit your transcript request and add the college to your Colleges I’m Applying To list
Option #2: Select Colleges/Colleges I’m Applying To from either the top menu or My Favorites menu to match your Common App account with Naviance Student
If you are using the Common Application to apply to Common App eligible schools, you will need to match your Naviance Student account with your Common App account. Once you match the accounts, the Common App schools you identified in your Common App account will be added to the list below.
You must first create your Common App account and then sign the FERPA Waiver on the Common App before matching your accounts. See the next slide for a screenshot of where the FERPA waiver can be found in the Common App.
Option #3: Select Colleges/Colleges I’m Applying To from either the top menu or My Favorites menu to manually add to your list of active applications.
Select the “+” button to begin the process of manually adding a college to your list..
Type in the name of the college you want to add to your active application list Select the application type (deadline) you are using for this school Indicate if you are using the Common Application or the applying directly through the college Only check if you have already submitted the application. If you have not, you will be able to mark the application as submitted at a later date within the Colleges I’m Applying to page. If you have already applied to the college, select Add and Request Transcripts. Otherwise, select Add Applications. You can request the transcript later after you have applied.
Select initial transcript as your first request Final Transcript will be selected at the end of the year once you have chosen the college you will attend Click to submit your transcript request and add the college to your Colleges I’m Applying To list
If you added a school to your “I’m Applying To” list prior to submitting your application, you will need to come back to the list and change this status once you have applied. YOUR TRANSCRIPT AND DOCUMENTS WILL NOT GO OUT UNTIL YOU HAVE INDICATED YOU HAVE APPLIED/SUBMITTED THE APPLICATION.
Seniors: Once you have added a college to the “I’m Applying To” list, the school will now show on your Application dashboard. You will be able to view whether your transcript and documents have been sent (Pending vs. Initial Materials Submitted), as well as post admissions results in the Edit column.
Teacher recommendations Not everyone needs a teacher recommendation for their college application. Recommendations are needed if your college requires them or you are on the bubble regarding admission criteria for that particular college. A letter may also be needed if you are applying to a specific program or scholarship at the college/university.
Teacher Recommendation letters step 1: You must ask the teacher (in person, not email) if they are able to write you a recommendation letter
Step 2: You must provide your teacher a completed Teacher Recommendation Questionnaire to assist them with writing your letter. This can be found within the My Planner/Tasks menu.
Download the Teacher Recommendation Questionnaire, complete and email to or print it for your teacher.
Step 3: Within the Colleges Menu, select the Apply to College link, followed by Letters of Recommendation
Select Add Request to submit your requests, one teacher at a time or for all applications.
Don’t forget to Submit the Request Select the teacher from the drop-down list whom you have already requested a letter of recommendation from in person. Determine whether you want the teacher to write a letter of recommendation for a specific college(s) on your list or for all current and future colleges you add to your list. It is a good idea to first select the “Choose specific…” button to see if any of your colleges limit the number of recommendation letters. You can then decide whether to choose “All current and future…”. You can add a note to the teacher with special instructions, resume highlights or any other important information. Don’t forget to Submit the Request
Once you submit the request, you will be able to review the status for all Teacher Recommendation requests that have been made. (All applications or college specific).
Submission of your Teacher Recommendation(s) Your selected teacher(s) will: Upload the letter of recommendation Complete the Common Application Evaluation Form (Common App Schools only) Submit these documents to the colleges via Naviance Student. Please Remember: A letter of recommendation is not required for all college applications. Please review your college’s application requirements and ask your school counselor if you are unsure about the necessity of a Teacher Recommendation. You must first ask the teacher in person and provide them the Teacher Recommendation Questionnaire before submitting your electronic request in Naviance Student. Please be sure to give your teacher(s) at least 2 weeks notice prior to your requested deadline
Counselor Letter of recommendation
You must complete the Counselor Recommendation Feedback Survey to assist them with completing your college application materials. This can be found within the About Me menu.
Counselor Recommendation Feedback Surveys are due by 9/14/18 Click on link within the My Surveys/Not Started section Screenshot of Counselor Recommendation Feedback Survey In order to provide the colleges the most meaningful and comprehensive feedback in your letter of recommendation, we are asking you to answer 11 questions that will assist us with the recommendation process. These questions do not have to be answered in one session. Feel free to come back and edit your responses whenever needed.
You will also need to complete a resume of activities using the Resume Builder in Naviance Student. This will help your counselor have the big picture of your most important activities and accomplishments. This can be found within the About Me/My Stuff menu.
using naviance student to learn more about your college options College research using naviance student to learn more about your college options
Register to meet with various college admissions representatives visiting CHS during the school day. These visits typically occur August-December. This list can be found within the Colleges/Research Colleges menu under College Visits.
Naviance Student offers several college search tools to lead a student through the research process. Super Match College Search is an outstanding tool which assists students in finding a good fit for their preferences in various college criteria. This can be found in the Colleges/Search Tools menu under Super Match College Search.
College Research Tools Naviance Student also offers several other college research tools such as College Maps, College Match and College Compare These can be all be found in the Colleges/Search Tools menu.
If you already know the school you are searching for, just type the name of the school in the search box.
Save selection and look up other schools or click on the school’s name to view it’s full profile
Important admission data, financial aid, available majors and student life information links.
Specific CHS Alumni Admission Data available within the college’s Admissions Profile
Example of Scattergram (IU) available in college profile Example of Scattergram (IU) available in college profile. Data includes the SAT/ACT scores paired with weighted GPA for those CHS students who have applied to the school. Data is listed as admission results (Accepted, Denied, Waitlisted, Deferred)
Scholarships & financial aid using Naviance student to search for financial aid
CHS keeps a list of scholarships that we have been made aware of by local scholarship providers, as well as other state and national scholarship opportunities. This list can be found within the Colleges/Scholarships and Money menu under Scholarship List.
Select the scholarship for more details including links to the application.
An additional scholarship search engine through Sallie Mae is available in Naviance Student within the Colleges/Scholarships and Money menu under National Scholarship Search.