Surviving Midterms & Finals 101 Kortschak Center for Learning & Creativity Presented by: Pooja Parashar
Learning Outcomes Visualize the desired study environment Generate materials that will help during the study process Identify different ways to prepare for exams Discover the importance of self-care during study sessions
Each stage is important and will look different for each individual Before & During Exams BEFORE: Read through the Syllabus Ask Professor or TA about exam/essay format Take notes in lecture Break down reading and assignments Create study materials (i.e. Flashcards, Acronyms, Visuals) Form study groups Each stage is important and will look different for each individual
Create Study Plans (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
Study Prep Create the proper “study” environment Review: Study plan Lecture notes Handouts Midterm/Final study guides Focus on studying Mentally prepare for the exam (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
Importance of Self-Care Be well-rested Take breaks to recharge Get a good night’s sleep before exams Eat healthy to stimulate brain function Make time for deep breathing (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
DURING-Exam Tips & Tricks Get to class early and ease into exam mode Look over the full exam before starting (Optimal) Anxiety can be good Alert, focused, and motivated If stuck on a question, put pencil down, close eyes, and take three deep breaths Create coping statements (theorganisedstudent.tumblr, n.d.)
Revise Relax Reward AFTER Exams
References Fischer, M. (2011). Steps for tackling the big test [Handout]. Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity. Howard, J. (2014, June 22). Scientists link a good night's sleep to higher test scores. Retrieved from performance_n_5516643.html Kabat-Zinn, Jon. (2013). Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness. New York :Bantam Books Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity (2013). Yerkes-dodson Law: Test anxiety. Mlstudies. (2016, January 23). Self-Care. Retrieved from O'Brien, Linda . How to get good grades in college . Dayton, OH: Woodburn Press , 2008. Print. The Organised Student. (n.d.). Retrieved from Saint Mary's College. (n.d.). Test Taking Strategies. Retrieved from services/tutorial-academic-skills-8 Smith, R. J., Arnkoff, D. B., & Wright, T. L. (1990). Test anxiety and academic competence: A comparison of alternative models. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37(3), 313-321. Retrieved from