Personal Inventory GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only Pre-work questions. (If you provide “Personal Inventory Worksheet” and “Finc/Risk Assessment Questionnaire” you can ask them to follow along or complete as you explain.) Information that we currently have on file for you is automatically brought over each time you enter GPS (i.e., name, age, includable retirement accounts). If returning, info you’ve entered previously is there for you to refresh or change as needed. Enter info we don’t know about you (i.e., spousal info, social security amounts, pension/retirement income, expenses). Use “Calculate for me” for estimates to run a more express model. Choose “Add/View Details" to view details about the requested information. You can also use this button to add other “held-away” assets. “Hover-over technology” anywhere something is underlined will provide definitions and explanations. 2
Personal Inventory GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? Let’s look at an example using “John and Jane Smith.” We automatically bring over info we already have related to his age and account balance(s). He is married to Jane, age 42. He plans to retire at 65, she plans to retire at 65 and life expectancy is age 90. Retirement investments: Outside IRA’s, retirement plans, bank accounts (i.e. investable assets earmarked for retirement). Annual income ($50K and $30K): In addition to salary, any lifetime income? (none). Social Security (assuming full SS age): “Calculate for me” gives a rough estimate or you can input most accurate info from SS admin ($10K and $5K). Earned = job post retirement/pension = DB plan or annuitized payment stream ($3,500/month). Expenses: Input own in box, “Calculate for me” = 80% income replacement, or “View Expense Worksheet” = detailed worksheet to assist ($29K essential + $17K in discretionary in today’s dollars). 3
Personal Inventory 1. Retirement Accounts GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES Personal Inventory 1. Retirement Accounts For registered investment adviser representative use only Quick description and example of a) tax-deferred, b) taxable and c) Roth investments. Express: Just enter amount in Accumulated Savings/Asset Value and Annual Contribution (if any). Detail: In addition to express info, enter account description, account/plan type and/or investment type (Stock/MF, Fixed Income or Cash). 4
Personal Inventory 2. Annual Income GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES Personal Inventory 2. Annual Income For registered investment adviser representative use only Current income: Enter gross income/salary for you and your spouse (if married). Other income: Used for lifetime only, so this is more rare. Retirement income includes: Social Security — Enter the amount in the blank, “Calculate for me” (based on normal SS age and current income above) or enter in Earned/Pension Income detail below. Retirement/Earned/Pension Income — Enter the amount in the blank or “Add/View Details” for more detailed entry. 5
Personal Inventory 3. Living Expenses GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES Personal Inventory 3. Living Expenses For registered investment adviser representative use only To this point, we have discussed what you have built up or earned for retirement. Now we’ll focus on what erodes from your accumulations. Express: Just enter amount in Annual Ret Essential/Discretionary Expenses blanks. The most important blank on the handout is retirement, not pre-retirement, because this amount is used (in today’s dollars) for calculations. Express “Calculate for me”: Another alternative to estimate annual retirement expenses. Uses current household income for 80% replacement. Detail: Choose “View Expense Worksheet” if you need help estimating annual retirement expenses. This worksheet begins with pre-retirement living expenses to help estimate expenses in retirement. You can choose the calculator icon corresponding to each expense type for 80% of pre-retirement amounts. GPS only uses the “Retirement Annual Expenses” for the calculations. You can go into further detail for each category by choosing the green plus sign next to each category. 6
Risk Assessment GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I in the correct funds? We go through a series of questions (9–11) to get to know you as the investor and your unique risk tolerance/time horizon. First three questions help us understand your view of risk/return related to movements in the market. Assume partial stock/bond investment. Not a right or wrong answer. Left to right = More conservative to more aggressive/risk. 7
Risk Assessment GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only Questions five and six relate to your GuideStone retirement account compared to cumulative investable assets (total accumulated savings back in “Client Info” tab). 8
Risk Assessment GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only Question eight relates to which distribution option (or combo) to use with eligible GS 403(b). Explain annuity = less investable time horizon vs. RMD = longer. Questions nine and 10 relate to time horizon. Question 11 — Explain that “No” or “No preference” = no MDF recommendation. 9
Evaluate Your Results GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only Multiple charts to help illustrate the advice we provide. GPS runs your portfolio through 500 random market simulations. View retirement outcomes assuming poor (bottom 10%) and average (50%) market conditions. Develop a probability of reaching the retirement goals discussed. Compare current and proposed asset allocations. 10
Correct funds? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICE For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I in the correct funds? Side-by-side comparison of your current and recommended asset allocation allows you to see where you are and how we recommend you change or reallocate your account. 11
Evaluate Your Results — “What-if” Scenario GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES Evaluate Your Results — “What-if” Scenario For registered investment adviser representative use only Describe flexibility of “What-if” feature. Compare current and proposed “What-if” scenarios for gap analysis. 12
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? Projected Income chart: Looks at all years in retirement to determine if you will have enough retirement income to meet retirement expenses. A key number illustrated is “Probability of Achieving Retirement Goal.” We analyze all your retirement portfolios that were included in this analysis and projected expenses to determine probability of achieving retirement goals (a gap analysis). GPS runs your retirement portfolio through 500 random market simulations and provides a poor and average market analysis. 13
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? Projected Cash Flow chart: Analyzes your time in retirement, year-by-year, to illustrate any shortfalls and determine how much retirement income is being used to meet inflation-adjusted expenses. 14
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? The “What-if” scenario allows us to model changes or recommendations and view impact on this retirement analysis (multiple or one at a time). You can save to move forward with recommendation or “Restore Base Scenario” to clear the “What-if” scenario. In this example, we’ve increased our Roth contributions from $2k to $6k; as you can see, this “What-if” scenario increased our probability percentage. 15
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? This Asset Growth chart allows you to get a projection of retirement portfolio growth and/or depletion. You can scroll over the chart while online to see projection by year, showing results of both poor and average market conditions. 16
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? What if you are already at or above retirement age? Let’s quickly look at a scenario using “John Smith.” He and spouse are both 72 Have $3.5K/year annuitized Plan A (we went back and included this info on the “Client Info” tab under the Earned/Pension Income (retirement) plan details) Receiving almost $15K/year cumulative Social Security income Have around $30K/year expenses (in today’s dollars) If he stays invested how he is now, 70% probability of achieving retirement goal (until age 90) If he reallocates to appropriate allocation with contribution recommendation changes, 80% probability of achieving retirement goal 17
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? We use the “What-if” scenario to see what would happen if John Smith made additional income while in retirement. John Smith makes $10K/year income to offset retirement expenses until age 75 (for 10 years). Probability of achieving goals through retirement goes to 90%. Now there is enough earned and portfolio income to handle expenses in both of these average and poor market scenarios. 18
Saving enough? GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only For years, our participants have called us to ask two common questions: Am I saving enough for retirement? We use the “What-if” scenario to see what would happen if John Smith made additional income while in retirement. This is the same “What-if” scenario in which John Smith makes $10K/year for eight years using the Asset Growth chart. Notice that in both the average and poor market scenarios, the Smith’s have residual assets in case of added longevity or that can go to their designated beneficiaries upon their passing. 19
Your Action Plan GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only Personalized action plan Recommendations may include: Contribution adjustments. Investment portfolio reallocations. Retirement spending changes. Encouraged annual review of GPS. 20
Your Next Steps GPS: GUIDED PLANNING SERVICES For registered investment adviser representative use only Next Steps will allow you to implement these plans. This may include reallocation of your GuideStone investment funds, increases to your retirement plan or saving/archiving a plan for future reference. At this point, or anywhere through GPS, you can call or email GuideStone with your questions or to establish a phone appointment with an adviser. Good plan = One placed into action. 21