Earth’s Oceans
Why are ocean’s important to us? Food Minerals Transportation Weather and Climate
Facts Approximately 70% of the Earth’s Surface is ocean water. Gasses ocean water contains: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and Nitrogen. Nitrogen gas is found in the ocean, the only important source is found in the atmosphere.
Facts Nitrate-bacteria combines with nitrogen and oxygen. (Good for plant growth) Some animals use dissolved calcium to make bones and others use it to form shells.
Salts Ocean water contains many dissolved salts including: Chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Salinity- The amount of salt dissolved in seawater. The ocean is on average 3.5% salt.
Salts Desalination- The process of removing salt from ocean water When seawater is evaporated, the ions sodium and chloride bond to make halite. (table salt) This video is downloaded from login: jrussdcms password: jrussdcms
Currents Surface currents-move water horizontally parallel to the Earth’s surface (controls upper few hundred meters). Coriolis Effect- The shifting of winds and surface currents from their expected paths caused by the Earth’s rotation.
Currents Upwelling- The circulation in the ocean that brings deep cold water to the ocean surface (benefits plankton growth by bringing nutrients up from the ocean floor)
Currents Density Currents- Forms when a mass of seawater becomes more dense than the surrounding water.