Essay Test Tips and Advice
Format For our essay tests, you will walk into class and be given an essay prompt that involves some aspect of the novel we have been reading. You will then write, by hand, your response to the essay prompt on a separate sheet of paper. Your essay needs to be a normal 5-paragraph essay. You need to have all of the parts of a regular formal essay…except quotes. I am interested in your thoughts, ideas, and your argument. Make a compelling case. You need to bring a few pieces of loose leaf on the day of the essay test. Pen or pencils are acceptable. If you make a mistake with a pen, simply cross out your mistake and continue writing next to it.
BE CONCISE! For the essay test, make sure that you are as concise as possible. Get to the point. Don’t ramble on and on about the plot. The plot can be used to back up your argument and ideas. Rambling is a waste of time.
Be clear! Leave no doubt in the reader’s mind about what your argument is. You need three CLEAR pieces of evidence to support your argument. If someone walking down the hall picked up your essay, could they understand it?
Be Specific! Make sure that you use specific examples from the book. The more specific you are, the better your essay will be. Being specific shows that you have read the novel and know what you are talking about. Use characters, plot moments, and the setting.
Strong Thesis Statement! Your thesis statement is one of the most important parts of your essay test. Without a thesis statement, you have no argument. If you don’t have an argument, you will fail. Make sure that you can point to your thesis statement within your essay. Briefly mention your three examples or pieces of evidence in your thesis statement. What is your argument?
Dead words and m.U.G.S I am not overly concerned about dead words and spelling mistakes. Try to avoid spelling mistakes and dead words. You will not lose significant points for dead words or M.U.G.S. errors. I am more concerned with your ideas and argument.