Aloof by Steve Snodgrass
Aloof by vxla
Aloof – (adj) [uh-loof] apart; reserved by Joelk75
Depravity by saturn ♄
Depravity by james ellsworth
Depravity – (n) [dih-prav-i-tee] extreme corruption; wickedness by Silver Tusk
Haughtiness by ArtBrom
Haughtiness by Valerie Everett
Haughtiness by he(art)geek
Haughtiness – (n) [haw-tee] pride; arrogance by Brandon LLW
Pragmatic by Wickerfurniture
Pragmatic by
Pragmatic by he-sk
Pragmatic – (adj) [prag-mat-ik] practical; concerned with the practical worth or impact of something by Flora & Fauna