Faculty Senate Meeting January 25, 2018
Agenda Call to Order and Roll Call S. Corns, Secretary
Agenda II. Approval of Minutes December 7, 2017
Agenda III. Campus Reports A. Staff Council, S. Dees
Staff Council Update January 25, 2018 Bylaw Review Staff Day ISAC Update AAAC Update-John Cook 5
Agenda III. Campus Reports B. Student Council, S. Thomas
STUDENT COUNCIL Placing Final Touches on the Student Fitness Center Working with the university on mental health initiatives Programming and collaboration with campus partners Helping student wellness with outreach Working on starting a student emergency relief fund campaign
Agenda III. Campus Reports C. Council of Graduate Students, P. Bhowmik
On going Initiatives New students orientation- Done !! Summer Research Fellowship- Ready to Announce! Travel Grants- Ready to Announce! Initiatives Preparing for Sports Event- Badminton Tournament Exploring MS&T- visiting hi-tech research facilities
Next Event Expectation Language class, Yoga class Graduate Research Showcase - Faculty/Department Research Showcase Expectation Research Proposal Write-up Boot Camp
Agenda IV. President’s Report S. Sedigh Sarvestani
University of Missouri System News First round of review has been completed for strategic plans. Each campus is working on revisions. Activity analysis is underway. John Cook and Ali Hurson represent our campus Policies under review Extension of probationary period for tenure-track faculty Student medical leave Community leave pool for staff Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Act House Bill 1465
Intercampus Faculty Council Last meeting was on January 19. Current initiatives include Review of policies related to NTT faculty Review of procedures related to teaching evaluations Participation in second round of review of strategic plans IFC will meet with the Board of Curators on February 1, at their meeting in Columbia. Focus of discussion will be on intercampus collaboration.
Campus News Revision of strategic plan is underway. First meeting was yesterday (January 24). Next meeting is on February 1. Search for Vice Chancellor for Research and Director of Graduate Studies is underway. Next meeting is on February 15.
Faculty Senate News Public Occasions Committee is discussing the addition of a fall break before Thanksgiving. Student Affairs Committee is reviewing Disability Support policies and practices. Review of bylaws will begin in the immediate future. Review of procedure for creation and realignment of academic departments will begin in the immediate future.
Student Emergency Fund (carecoordination.mst.edu) Maintained by the Office of Counseling Services (204 Norwood) Provides a one-time gift of $25-$500 to assist with emergency expenses. Does not cover tuition and fees, parking tickets or other fines, non-essential utilities, or household costs not related to damage or theft. Also provides tangible items (toiletries, non-perishable food, cleaning supplies) to students in need. Ways to give Tax-deductible monetary donations (giving.mst.edu) In-kind donations such as store gift cards Donations of tangible items
Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda T. Schuman
FACULTY BYLAWS REVIEW AND REVISION AD HOC COMMITTEE Draft Charge “Work with the Provost (or designated representative) to review the Faculty bylaws of the Missouri University of Science and Technology (300.030), revise the existing faculty bylaws to update and correct the bylaws to represent current and proper operation of the university, provide a draft set of revised bylaws for approval by the Senate, provide the draft to UM System for vetting, and obtain approval by the General Faculty.” Period 1 February through 15 December 2018 or until bylaws draft is accepted by the Faculty Senate Members Slate is being nominated by Rules, Procedure and Agenda Nominations from the floor accepted shortly
FACULTY BYLAWS REVIEW AND REVISION AD HOC COMMITTEE Membership nominations CEC Kurt Kosbar (ECE) Mark Schlesinger (MSE) Bill Fahrenholtz (MSE) Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani (ECE) CASB Kris Swenson (ENG) Tom Schuman (CHEM) Mike Bruening (HIST) Michael Davis (ECON) Ex-officio Ben Trachtenberg (Law professor, Mizzou) Member nominations from floor
Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees B. Curricula Committee T. Schuman
CCC Meetings Committee Activity 9 January 2018 7 February (upcoming) 9 Degree change requests (DC forms) 19 Course change requests (CC forms) 11 Experimental course requests (EC forms)
Degree Changes Requested File: 143.20 ARC ENG-BS: Architectural Engineering BS File: 230.12 AUTOENG-MI: Minor in Automation Engineering File: 156.7 GE ENG-BS: Geological Engineering BS File: 238.6 HCI-MI: Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Minor File: 234.20 INORGPS-MS: Industrial Organizational Psychology MS File: 121.1 PRE LAW-MI: Pre Law Minor File: 255 Business Applications and Software Development Minor File: 249 Master of Science in Explosive Technology File: 256 Minor in Financial Technology (FinTech)
Course Changes Requested: File: 942.1 ARCH ENG 4800: Principles of HVAC I File: 2069.5 ARCH ENG 4820: Building Lighting Systems File: 4219.5 ARCH ENG 4850: Building Electrical Systems File: 2151.1 BIO SCI 2263: Ecology File: 1513.1 BIO SCI 2383: Plant Biology File: 2531.1 BIO SCI 3233: Evolution File: 1843.1 BIO SCI 3313: Microbiology File: 4501 CHEM ENG 6180: Advanced Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics File: 4070.7 CIV ENG 5515: Advanced Traffic Operations and Capacity Analysis File: 4479 CIV ENG 5635: Phytoremediation and Natural Treatment Systems: Science and Design
Course Changes Requested (cont’d): File: 110.2 COMP SCI 1200: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science File: 774.1 ECON 6440: Advanced Environmental and Natural Resource Economics File: 1737.1 ECON 6540: Advanced Energy Economics File: 4499 FINANCE 5310: Financial Modeling File: 2391.6 IS&T 4335: Fundamentals of Mobile Technology for Business File: 1871.6 IS&T 6335: Mobile Technology for Business File: 2342.7 PSYCH 5010: Seminar for Industrial/Organizational Psychology File: 4500 PSYCH 5020: Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology File: 719.1 SYS ENG 6110: Risk Modeling and Optimization under Uncertainty
Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions Discussion: Questions or comments?
Informational Only Experimental Courses Approved to be Scheduled File: 4492 BIO SCI 5001.001: Ichthyology File: 4497 BIO SCI 5001.002: Population and Conservation Genetics File: 4440 CHEM ENG 4001.001: Introduction to Phase Equilibrium File: 4491 CIV ENG 4001.001: Infrastructure Sustainability through Recycling File: 4490 CIV ENG 6001.002: Pavement Management, Evaluation and Rehabilitation File: 4494 COMP SCI 3001.002: Introduction to Data Science File: 4496 ELEC ENG 3001.001: Intelligent Robotics File: 4488 ELEC ENG 6001.006: Introduction to Nonlinear Optics File: 4504 HISTORY 3001.003: Slavery in the Atlantic World File: 4502 MECH ENG 6001.002: Fundamentals of Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes File: 4498 NUC ENG 2001.001: Professional Development for Nuclear Engineers
Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees C. Budgetary Affairs M. Fitch for B. Hale
Budgetary Affairs Committee January 25, 2018 Meets tomorrow; Referrals/issues: Solar house sale Distribution of raises given to administrators, faculty, and staff. Report on the “big picture balance sheet”, with tracking of changes in each item. Balance sheet for the MSU programs. How are decisions made about faculty retention packages; fairness of resource allocation across departments. Current and next FY budget.
Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees D. ITCC J. Singler
Update: Web initiative from President Choi President Choi asked Gary Allen (UM System IT) to come up with an alternative to terminal four for campus websites Pantheon was chosen, but the campuses are not required to replace terminal four Our campus does not plan to replace terminal four in the near future
Faculty Senate referral Multiple colleagues have asked Faculty Senate to investigate the claim that a small number of faculty members are able to read every faculty email. The ITCC investigated this claim, and contacted Dan Uetrecht (IT CIO) and Karl Lutzen (IT Information Security Officer). At the request of the ITCC, details of the claim were shared directly with S&T Chief Information Officer Karl Lutzen only (for the sake of discretion).
Karl Lutzen investigated and informed the ITCC of the following information: At Missouri S&T, only IT information security staff are able to access faculty email – and only after an approved electronic records access request (more below). An IT analyzer tool was run to determine access privileges of individuals named in the claim, and this confirmed the user(s) in question do not have access to all faculty email. An audit of the entire UM System was performed, and this showed that only IT information security staff, system administrators, and security analysts can access faculty email – only after an approved records access request.
Electronic records access (ERA) requests The policy for ERA requests at Missouri S&T was set by the faculty senate (after work by the ITCC) in 2011: http://facultysenate.mst.edu/media/campussupport/facultysenate/documents/itcc/2011/ITCC.Electronic.Records.Requests.04.13.11.pdf A request can be made online: https://itweb.mst.edu/auth-cgi-bin/cgiwrap/docflow/startDocument.pl A request goes to (in order for faculty) Faculty Senate President Chancellor CIO IT Information Security Officer
Electronic records access (ERA) requests If the ERA is authorized, IT information security only provides copies of information that matches keyword searches and does not violate FERPA or other regulations (as appropriate). Direct access to any of the information is not provided. When allowed, the account holder(s) will be notified of the ERA request as soon as practical. Depending on the type of request, full details of the request may or may not be fully revealed to the account holder(s). IT information security officers at Missouri S&T sign a confidentiality agreement annually.
Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees E. Facilities Planning M. Zawodniok
Facilities Planning Committee Report Jan 25, 2018
Outline The Facilities Planning Committee met on Jan 16, 2018 to discuss new policy on “Use of Facilities” Relevant existing policies are: III-48 on “Use of University Facilities for Political Activities” II-50 on “Use and Scheduling of Campus Facilities” Both short (1-page) with little details The new policy would replace these Committee was very positive about new policy Includes details about process, expectations, procedures Clear identification of responsible parties (e.g. who to contact for Havener center reservations, etc.)
Space Use Discussion Some concerns raised and discussed The organizer of an event is responsible for additional expenses including increased security Potentially, this could restrict use if controversial event is organized (e.g. by student org. which has not sufficient funds) There is no indication of priority for reserving rooms Educational (common exams – e.g. for calculus) and recurring university meetings should get priority over external events. Setting timeline/deadlines for reservations would be helpful During discussion on the new policy, the members raised questions and issues related to general space allocation for classrooms, research laboratories, and student offices Appear this topic will be addressed by new S&T Space Committee Dr Bih-Ru Lea will represent the Facilities Planning Committee
Thank you! Q&A
Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees F. Administrative Review A. Hurson
Administrative Committee Review 2017-2018 members: Ali Hurson, Chair Bih-Ru Lea Kelly Liu V.A. Samaranayake
Table of Contents Last presentation Questionnaires Next steps
Who Will be reviewed Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs (Dr. Melanie Mormile) Assistant Vice Provost Institutional Research and Assessment (Dr. Oyebanjo Lajubutu) Vice Provost Academic Support (Dr. Jeffrey Cawlfield) Vice Provost Global Learning (Dr. Anthony Petroy) Vice Provost Research (Dr. Mariesa Crow), and Vice Provost Graduate Studies (Dr. Venkata Allada)
Time table Action Time Job Descriptions November 10 Development of questionnaires December 1st – Questionnaires to senate for review/approval December 15 – Statement of accomplishments due 2nd week of January Final approval of questionnaires January 25 Review of administrations February 15 – March 15 Results to Senate officers 1st week of April
Some General remarks: Questionnaires were developed based on job descriptions Attempt was made to reduce number of categories and questions Attempt was made to make categories and even questions as uniform as possible Five scales were used to rate each question: Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly disagree, Insufficient information/unsure
Questionnaires at a glance Cat1: University Mission/Vision and Strategic Plan Cat2: Leadership Cat3: Planning, Organization, and Management Cat4: Communication Cat5: Professionalism Cat6: Supporting the University Community and External Stakeholders Name # categories # questions cat1 cat2 cat3 cat4 cat5 cat6 Dr. Allada 5 13 X Dr. Cawlfield 14 Dr. Crow 4 Dr. Lajubutu 15 Dr. Mormile 3 11 DR. Petroy
Next steps Re-tune questionnaires based on input from senate Make questionnaires available to participants
Agenda VI. Administrative Reports A. Chancellor’s Report
Agenda VI. Administrative Reports B. Provost’s Report
Faculty Senate Dr. Robert J. Marley January 25, 2018 Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
UPDATES Budget Follow-up Strategic Planning Update Program Review Update New Department Chairs Thomas Vojta, Physics Kelly Carter, Teacher Education and Certification
Post-Tenure Reviews and Awards Shannon Fogg, History and Political Science Kamal Khayat, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Fuewen (Frank) Liou, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Susan Murray, Psychological Science Jay Switzer, Chemistry Reza Zoughi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Agenda VII. New Business
Agenda VIII. Adjourn 64