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Rise of Christianity Romans paid little attention to Christianity at first then began to see it as a threat to society Persecution of Christians began under Emperor Nero around 64 A.D. Nero blamed Christians for turmoil occurring in Rome. He subjected them to cruel deaths Persecution strengthened Christianity forcing it to become more organized
Roman Acceptance of Christianity Christianity grew because it was more appealing to the poor because it viewed everyone as equal Viewed Christianity as having a better life and the unity of the Roman empire also eased the work of missionaries Why would the poor be looking for something including equality? Found comfort in the words of Jesus and a promised better life Better life: The unity of the Roman Empire made it easier for missionaries to travel and spread the word of Christianity
Roman Acceptance of Christianity Diocletian was the last major emperor to enforce persecution of Christians. Constantine =first Christian Emperor from 306-337 A.D. He issued Edict of Milan that tolerated Christianity in Rome Theodosius the Great = adopted Christianity as official religion in 380 A.D.