Decisions and considerations of choosing or building a new home. Housing Considerations Decisions and considerations of choosing or building a new home.
Money Cost Considerations: Cost for building can restrict the size and type of housing a person chooses to purchase or build. A budget should be created to determine what is affordable. Cost Considerations: Labor is the number one cost in building a home Building Materials: includes cement, lumber, fasteners, shingles, flooring, drywall, etc. Land Cost Taxes
Location City or Township or Rural Proximity Shopping Centers Environment/Topography: Hills, Water, Trees etc Taxes Type of House Structure and Design Ordinances/Regulations/Municipal Services Schools
Topograghy - Refers to the site characteristics such as contour of land, trees or other natural features. Information can be found on the Plot Plan Section of the House Plans - Depending on the topography of the site can either reduce or increase the cost of building. To remove dirt on a site a contractor may have to excavate to remove out dirt OR A contractor may have to bring in fill to make the site level or able to hold a building.
Deed Deed: is a legal document of property ownership. Also known as a Title Property Search is needed to see if anyone owns the property before purchase or building can begin Stipulations for deed: Multi-story or style of home Setback- Distance from the property Line to the Main Building Animals Fences Easements- an agreed upon right to use another's property for non-building purposes. I.E roads, water, utilities.
Building Codes and Zoning Reason Safety- for the owner and other persons living in the community Uniformity- codes make it easier on the service industry to fix any mechanical problems Building Zones Residential Industry Commercial
Form vs. Function Form- is a feature of a home that is merely aesthetic purpose. Placed in the home for its beauty or uniqueness. I.E Stone-Slate Floor, Vaulted Ceilings, Circular Staircase Function- determines what each space will be used for. Each feature of a home serves some purpose. I.E Carpeted Floor, Kitchen,
Structure Types Based on Topography and Local Laws One One-Half Story One Story Two Story Split Level Based on Topography and Local Laws
Floor Plan Layout Types Square Rectangular L-Shape Irregular Open Floor Plan vs. Closed Floor Plan Types Square Rectangular L-Shape Irregular Foundation Sub Levels Basement Crawl Space Concrete Slab
Set of House Plans Plot Plan Foundation Plan Floor Plan Interior and Exterior Elevations Electrical Construction Details Pictorial Presentation Other: Mechanical, Roof Plan, Framing Plan, Plumbing Plan