Georgia Milestones Assessment System Central Office Service Device Training May 30, 2018
Introductions GaDOE Sandy Greene, Ed.D., Director, Assessment Joe Blessing, Assessment Specialist Robert McLeod, Ed.D., Assessment Specialist Chris Shealy, Director, Technology Services DRC Anu Tummala, Program Management Dirk Austin, Support Engineering Evan Gedlinske, Program Management Michelle Gronemeyer, Program Management Missy Shealy, Program Management Phil Peterson, Customer Care Stuart Bowlus, Program Management 2
Goals for Training Create common understanding of the Central Office Service (COS) Service Device functionality and how it will replace the TSM for 2018/2019 testing. Provide detailed training and resources for implementation of the COS Service Device Understand the reason for the recommendation of not using response caching Discuss the timeline in which these changes will occur Share best practices for online testing 3
Timeline for Implementation Date Available Availability Thursday, June 21, 2018 COS Service Device installers available on eDIRECT Downloads page Saturday, July 21, 2018 DRC INSIGHT Secure Browsers (for specific operating systems) will be released Monday, August 6, 2018 Conversion from TSM to COS Service Device should be completed by EOC Fall Mid-Month Testing 4
Overview of Central Office Services 5
Overview of Central Office Services 6
Overview of Central Office Services COS is a powerful, integrated solution that enables easy installation, configuration, and management of the online testing environment from a central location COS includes two major components: COS-Device Toolkit (COS-DTK) Interface Configuration User Interface replaced stand-alone Device Toolkit Enhanced integration into eDIRECT portal for improved security and usability COS Service Devices Content Management and Content Hosting services that replace TSM Service device software is installed locally on one or more dedicated devices at testing sites 7
Overview of Central Office Services Central Office Services Service Devices (COS Service Device) replace the content caching feature currently found in the Testing Site Manager (TSM) software. These features in the COS Service Device are called Content Management and Content Hosting. Content Management (CM) is the service that manages the download of test content to each site. Content Hosting (CH) is the service that provides content to student testing devices. 8
Testing Site Manager (TSM) 9
TSM Interface 10
COS-DTK Dashboard 11
Benefits of COS Service Devices Creating separate features, referred to as Content Management and Content Hosting, allows for additional flexibility. Download only the content appropriate for a specific testing site. Download content once for use by multiple COS Service Devices. More testing devices supported per service device without manipulating settings on machine 500 testing devices per TSM 950 testing devices per COS Service Device All configuration and management of COS Service Devices completed in the COS-DTK page in eDIRECT Ability to manage multiple testing programs on a single device. Can support Georgia Milestones and WIDA ACCESS on the same device Supports silent installations. 12
COS Service Device Pilot Recap Numbers of COS Service Devices utilized in Spring 2018 Number of COS Service Devices All DRC clients: 934 Across Georgia: 34 Number of test sign ins utilizing a COS Service Device All DRC clients: 988,956 Across Georgia: 203,914 Experience summary No major issues discovered during pilot Issue of content download retry logic in 2 cases Remembering to indicate TTS and VSL in Content Management Minor updates from the pilot are being incorporated into the June release Including the issue with the content download retry logic 13
COS Service Device Pilot Recap The COS Pilot Districts provided the following feedback: Reminder to Ensure Chrome Machines are Updated Reminder to Limit Extraneous Usage of Bandwidth During Testing Requested a Quick-start Guide for Problem Solving Before Calling DRC or the GaDOE 14
Response Caching Discussion 15
TSM Response Caching Response caching Allows students to continue testing if Internet connection fails on test client Generally responses are sent to DRC upon navigation from item to item or every 45 second, whichever is soonest Response caching will store student responses temporarily During Testing Monitor TSM for stored student responses TSM will attempt to transmit every 15 minutes but responses can also be manually transmitted After Testing At the end of each day and testing window, confirm there are no stored responses on the TSM 16
TSM Response Caching Benefits of Response Caching Response Caching allows students to continue testing if the student’s testing device loses connectivity to DRC, but still has connectivity to the Testing Site Manager (TSM). In this event, student responses are routed to the TSM until connectivity to DRC is restored. Sites with less reliable and available Internet connections benefit from having Response Caching in place. Limitations of Response Caching Response Caching does not assist if there is a loss of local network connectivity between the student’s testing devices and the TSM — for example, if the testing devices loses its wireless connection. Local network connectivity is where most testing sites experience issues. 17
TSM Response Caching Optional 18
TSM Response Caching To ensure test integrity, all responses must be tracked during the test session. Response Caching adds a layer of complexity to this process. Once a test session is started with Response Caching enabled: A test session must remain associated with the same TSM until the test session is completed and each testing device is configured to a specific TSM, therefore, any testing device the student uses to resume the test must be associated with the same TSM on which the session was started. Resuming a test session after an interruption (whether planned or unplanned) requires additional steps, including ensuring all cached responses for the student’s test on the TSM are sent to DRC. 19
TSM Response Caching If a test session needs to be resumed on a different testing device/TSM combination: To address the risk of possible response loss, test administrators must verify all responses on the original TSM have been cleared and sent to DRC. DRC Customer Service assistance is needed to update the test session to allow it to continue on a different TSM (clear of Active Flags) Response Caching TSMs can not be load balanced. 20
TSM Response Caching Recommendation: Use Response Caching only in sites where Bandwidth is questionable, there is unreliable Wide Area Network (WAN), and/or Internet connectivity. This recommendation is based on the following: Streamlines the student experience when re-entering a test session Test sessions can be resumed from any configured testing device Students can continue testing without requiring the clearing of responses from TSM and resetting Active Flags Removes dependency between test session and TSM Internet reliability and availability have greatly improved in recent years Over the last three testing years, for response types that can leverage response caching, less than .5% of them have benefited from response caching 21
Installation of COS Service Device 22
Installation of COS Service Device Configure Service Ports On this window you specify the base port After you specify the base port, COS Service Device automatically selects the next two consecutively numbered ports. You usually can use the default port values of 55222, 55223, and 55224. 23
Installation of COS Service Device Test Service Ports After you select your ports, click Test to verify that the ports selected are available on the device, then click OK and Next (or Cancel to exit the installation). 24
Installation of COS Service Device Complete the Wizard and eDIRECT is launched Two things now occur at the same time: The Completing the Central Office Wizard window appears and the DRC INSIGHT Portal screens are launched. Important: From the Completing the Central Office Wizard window highlight and copy and save the URL that displays — you can use it to resume the process at this point (if necessary) without re- installing the COS Service Device. 25
Create a COS Configuration 26
Create a COS Configuration After you have installed a COS Service Device, you must create an initial configuration referencing the COS Service Device to associate it with your testing devices. This section describes how to create the initial COS association. DRC provides a wizard to help you with this process. When you finish installing the COS Service Device, if you are not signed in to the DRC INSIGHT Portal (eDIRECT), you must sign in. If you are already signed in to eDIRECT, see next page. 27
Create a COS Configuration After you finish installing the COS Service Device, if you are signed in to the eDIRECT (DRC INSIGHT Portal), the End User License Agreement for DRC Software window displays. Read the agreement, check the I Agree checkbox, and click Accept (you must accept the agreement to continue). 28
Create a COS Configuration When the configuration wizard displays, you can name the COS Service Device to help you identify it in the COS-DTK dashboard. The name displays anytime you view the device in COS-DTK. If you do not name the COS Service Device, only the Device ID, generated by DRC, displays. 29
Create a COS Configuration or Use Existing 30
Create a COS Configuration Enter a name for the configuration that will help you identify it easily. This can be the same or different than the name of the device that was defined in a previous step. To enable automatic DRC INSIGHT secure browser software updates, select Enable Auto Update. When you select Enable Auto Update, DRC updates the DRC INSIGHT secure browser software automatically. To specify an HTTP proxy host server, move the Proxy Host toggle to Yes and enter the server name (or IP address) and port number (separated by a colon), followed by a forward slash (/), in the Proxy Path field. When you are ready, click Next. 31
Create a COS Configuration 32
Create a COS Configuration When the Locations page appears, select Georgia from the Testing Program drop‑down menu. Then, start typing a district name, school name, or site code in the Site filter. When you locate the district or school name to which you want to register the configuration and its associated COS Service Devices and testing devices, click Add Location. 33
Create a COS Configuration To specify a TSM for response caching, toggle the TSM Response Caching option to Yes. In the field below, enter or paste the TSM Server Domain Name, prefixed with https:// and followed by a colon, the port number, and a forward slash (/). (Keep in mind the additional discussion on response caching presented previously in this session.) 34
Create a COS Configuration You can set Content Management to Yes or No. Note: Each COS configuration must have at least one service device that has Content Management set to Yes. 35
Create a COS Configuration If you select Yes, the test content for the selected administrations and accommodations will be downloaded automatically to your COS device. Note: The default is all available administrations and accommodations. If you need to save space on the device, de- select unneeded administrations and accommodations. After you make your selections, click Next. 36
Create a COS Configuration On the Content Hosting page, Verify that Content Hosting is set to Yes. Note: With Content Management set to Yes, the current COS service device appears as the first content source. 37
Create a COS Configuration For the initial release of COS, do not attempt to add content sources. In a future release of COS, when Content Management is fully enabled, you will be able to use Add Content Source to specify a fallback content source. If content is not available from the first source, COS will check the fallback source. Click Complete. 38
Re-Configuration of an Existing Configuration 39
Re-Configuration an Existing Configuration 40
Re-Configuration of an Existing Configuration When you reach step 1 of the Configuration Wizard Select Use an existing configuration? 41
Re-Configuration of an Existing Configuration The wizard changes to a two-step process. In step 2 of the two-step process, Choose the configuration that you want to migrate from a content caching TSM to a COS service device and Click Complete and Continue. 42
Re-Configuration of an Existing Configuration When you have finished using the Configuration Wizard, navigate to the Locations page of the configuration. For the Georgia location, Set TSM Content Caching to No Click Update Configuration 43
Re-Configuration of an Existing Configuration Navigate to the Content Management page Set Content Management to Yes Verify that the necessary administrations and accommodations are selected (select any that need to be selected) Click Update Configuration 44
Re-Configuration of an Existing Configuration Navigate to the Content Hosting page Set Content Hosting to Yes Click Update Configuration 45
New Installation of DRC INSIGHT and Associate it with a COS Configuration (same two options that has been used with the TSM) 46
New Installation of DRC INSIGHT 47
Deploy New COS Configuration to DRC INSIGHT You are able to assign a new COS configuration to new testing devices in two ways Manually assign the Org ID Distribute the deployment configuration file to the testing devices These same methods have been used with the TSM 48
Manual Assignment of Configuration to Testing Device 49
Manually Assignment of Configuration 50
Manual Assignment of Configuration Install INSIGHT on the device Because it is not yet registered with COS, the Configuration Not Found screen displays when you start INSIGHT. Click Assign Device to ORG Unit Click Add after you have added the ORG Unit ID Click Register 51
Manual Assignment of Configuration Verify the connection to the COS Login to an existing Test Session or Online Tools Training OR Start the System Readiness Check Launch DRC INSIGHT Click on the blue check mark in the lower-left corner Enter Access Code 7745 Content Caching TSM Connection should display green if everything is setup correctly Content Caching TSM Versions should display green if everything is setup correctly 52
Manual Assignment of Configuration 53
Deployment of Configuration (Org ID) 54
Deployment of Configuration (Org ID) 55
Deployment of Configuration (Org ID) Distributing the new configuration file Navigate to the Deployment tab Select Create Deployment Configuration Click Save Distribute file to testing devices (see Technical User Guide Volume IV: DRC INSIGHT) 56
Existing Installation of DRC INSIGHT and Associate it with a COS Configuration (same two options that has been used with the TSM) 57
Association of Configuration to Existing DRC INSIGHT 58
Association of Configuration to Existing DRC INSIGHT You are able to assign a new COS configuration to testing devices in two ways Moving existing student testing devices to the new configuration Distributing the deployment configuration file to the testing devices To Move Devices to the new configuration, navigate to the Testing Devices tab 59
Association of Configuration to Existing DRC INSIGHT Select the testing devices that you wish to move Click Actions Click Move Devices Enter Org Unit ID for the new configuration Click Move 60
Association of Configuration to Existing DRC INSIGHT For Deployment of Configuration file, see slides above 61
OPTIONAL: Load Balancing 62
Load Balancing Content Hosting 63
Load Balancing Content Hosting Prerequisites to creating a load-balanced pool of COS Service Devices You must have already installed and configured your load balancing hardware and software – this is external to the DRC INSIGHT system You must know the IP address of your load balancer You must know how to “point” the load balancer to each COS Service Device in the load-balanced pool You must have a shared network location for test content, know the network share path to the location, and all of the COS Service Devices in the load‑balanced pool must have access to the shared location. This path must be available from every Content Hosting device in the load‑balanced pool. This path overrides the default COS Service Device installation path (or a different path that you specified during installation). 64
Load Balancing Content Hosting Steps to utilize a load balancer can be found in the Technical User Guide, Volume III 65
Load Balancing Software Based Software based load balancing - This method allows round robin persistent client connections based on the total count of COS Service Devices setup in the COS DTK Configuration. 66
Load Balancing Software Based Steps to create a pool of COS Service Device and utilize the round robin distribution of Testing Devices can be found in the Technical User Guide, Volume III 67
Summary of Deployment Options 68
COS Service Device 69
Multiple COS Service Devices 70
COS Service Devices Behind a Hardware Load Balancer 71
COS Service Devices with TSM for Response Caching 72
Best Practices for Online Testing 73
Wireless Considerations If the site is using wireless connectivity, complete a wireless site survey to assess sufficient wireless coverage in testing areas. The areas to review in this survey include: Device Density Review the number of devices connecting to a single access point. You must account for devices that students, proctors, and teachers have connected (e.g., smartphones, laptops, and tablets). Radio Frequency Interference Review whether other devices might cause interference. Many technologies operating at the same frequency as an access point can cause interference. Wireless access points sharing the same channel may interfere with each other. 74
Wireless Considerations Connection Consistency Consider things that may interrupt the connection between the testing device and the access point. Review whether there are objects obstructing the line of sight between testing devices and access points that could interrupt the connection. 2.4 GHz vs. 5 GHz Bands Assess whether the site’s wireless network is using either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands appropriately. The 5 GHz connection can transmit higher amounts of data with better speeds. The 2.4 GHz connection is better for transmitting data over longer ranges and through walls and other solid objects. After this survey, is the site’s wireless capacity adequate to support online testing? 75
Network Considerations Connection and bandwidth requirements are greatest at the beginning of the test when the student is logging in to the test and the test engine and test content are being downloaded to the testing device. This process requires a connection from the testing device to DRC. Are the firewall and filters on the computer network configurable to allow communication with the online servers and can the necessary URLs be whitelisted? (listing of URLs is found in Volume I of the Technical User Guide) Will you be able to influence other uses of the network during testing? For example, limiting the amount of high-bandwidth activities such as downloading and watching videos. The use of personal devices can have a dramatic impact on your network utilization and bandwidth. 76
Network Considerations Review the district and school network capacity (LAN, WAN) to administer online testing. Verify that there is available capacity for the number of students taking the test at the same time. Take into account competing network bandwidth and other traffic in the building at the time of testing. Estimated available bandwidth needed from testing client to COS Service Device Up to 25 Concurrent Testers: 50 Mb 26–150 Concurrent Testers: 100 Mb 151–275 Concurrent Testers: 200 Mb Consider using traffic shaping to give DRC INSIGHT testing traffic priority over other network traffic 77
Resources Presentation: EOG/EOC Post-Assessment Central Office Services Training Webinar Recording: EOG/EOC Post-Assessment Central Office Services Training Technical User Guide Volume I – V with COS (eDIRECT) System Requirements (with COS) Capacity Estimator 78
For Further Information For further information, please feel free to contact: DRC Georgia Customer Care Hours of Operation: 7 am – 8 pm EST Phone: (866) 282-2249 Email: 79