CS 584.


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Presentation transcript:

CS 584

Message Passing Based on multi-processor Set of independent processors Connected via some communication net All communication between processes is done via a message sent from one to the other

MPI Message Passing Interface Computation is made of: One or more processes Communicate by calling library routines MIMD programming model SPMD most common.

MPI Processes use point-to-point communication operations Collective communication operations are also available. Communication can be modularized by the use of communicators. MPI_COMM_WORLD is the base. Used to identify subsets of processors

MPI Complex, but most problems can be solved using the 6 basic functions. MPI_Init MPI_Finalize MPI_Comm_size MPI_Comm_rank MPI_Send MPI_Recv

MPI Basics Most all calls require a communicator handle as an argument. MPI_COMM_WORLD MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize don’t require a communicator handle used to begin and end and MPI program MUST be called to begin and end

MPI Basics MPI_Comm_size MPI_Comm_rank determines the number of processors in the communicator group MPI_Comm_rank determines the integer identifier assigned to the current process zero based

MPI Basics #include <stdio.h> #include <mpi.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int iproc, nproc; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iproc); printf("I am processor %d of %d\n", iproc, nproc); MPI_Finalize(); }

MPI Communication MPI_Send MPI_Recv Sends an array of a given type Requires a destination node, size, and type MPI_Recv Receives an array of a given type Same requirements as MPI_Send Extra parameter MPI_Status variable.

MPI Basics Made for both FORTRAN and C Standards for C MPI_ prefix to all calls First letter of function name is capitalized Returns MPI_SUCCESS or error code MPI_Status structure MPI data types for each C type

Using MPI Based on rsh Path to compiler requires a .rhosts file hostname login Path to compiler MPI_HOME /users/faculty/snell/mpich MPI_CC MPI_HOME/bin/mpicc

Using MPI Write program Compile using mpicc Write process file host nprocs full_path_to_prog 0 for nprocs on first line 1 for all others Run program prog -p4pg process_file args mpirun –np #procs –machinefile machines prog

Example HINT benchmark Found at /users/faculty/snell/CS584/HINT

#include “mpi.h” #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define MAXSIZE 1000 void main(int argc, char *argv) { int myid, numprocs; int data[MAXSIZE], i, x, low, high, myresult, result; char fn[255]; char *fp; MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&numprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&myid); if (myid == 0) { /* Open input file and initialize data */ strcpy(fn,getenv(“HOME”)); strcat(fn,”/MPI/rand_data.txt”); if ((fp = fopen(fn,”r”)) == NULL) { printf(“Can’t open the input file: %s\n\n”, fn); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++) fscanf(fp,”%d”, &data[i]); /* broadcast data */ MPI_Bcast(data, MAXSIZE, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* Add my portion Of data */ x = n/nproc; low = myid * x; high = low + x; for(i = low; i < high; i++) myresult += data[i]; printf(“I got %d from %d\n”, myresult, myid); /* Compute global sum */ MPI_Reduce(&myresult, &result, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (myid == 0) printf(“The sum is %d.\n”, result); MPI_Finalize();

MPI Message Passing programs are non-deterministic because of concurrency Consider 2 processes sending messages to third MPI does guarantee that 2 messages sent from a single process to another will arrive in order. It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure computation determinism

MPI & Determinism MPI Non-Determinism MPI_ANY_SOURCE or MPI_ANY_TAG A Process may specify the source of the message A Process may specify the type of message Non-Determinism MPI_ANY_SOURCE or MPI_ANY_TAG

Example for (n = 0; n < nproc/2; n++) { MPI_Send(buff, BSIZE, MPI_FLOAT, rnbor, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(buff, BSIZE, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); /* Process the data */ }

Global Operations Coordinated communication involving multiple processes. Can be implemented by the programmer using sends and receives For convenience, MPI provides a suite of collective communication functions.

Collective Communication Barrier Synchronize all processes Broadcast Gather Gather data from all processes to one process Scatter Reduction Global sums, products, etc.

Collective Communication

MPI_Reduce MPI_Reduce(inbuf, outbuf, count, type, op, root, comm)


MPI_Allreduce MPI_Allreduce(inbuf, outbuf, count, type, op, root, comm)

Distribute Problem Size Distribute Input data Exchange Boundary values Find Max Error Collect Results

Other MPI Features Asynchronous Communication Modularity MPI_ISend MPI_Wait and MPI_Test MPI_Probe and MPI_Get_count Modularity Communicator creation routines Derived Datatypes