As you enter class Take a sheet of notebook paper from the table. Put your phone in the caddy. Sign the social contract if you did not yesterday. Take out your story.
Peer revision Personal Narrative
Step one: What’s the story? Read your partner’s story.
Step two: Diction/Word choice On your partner’s story, mark the word choice that evokes emotion. On your notebook paper, fill in this sentence stem: Your diction can be described as _______________.
Step three: Imagery On your partner’s story, mark the images that evoke one of the five senses: Sight Smell Taste Touch Sound On your notebook paper, fill in this sentence stem: You could change these words to images to evoke more emotion: __________________.
STEP 4: Sentence structure On your partner’s paper, number the sentences that stood out to you. The sentence can stand out as a well or poorly constructed sentence. On your notebook paper, explain why each sentence stood out. Was it the length? Was it the order of the words? Was it the punctuation? Use this sentence stem to explain: Sentence _____ stood out to me because ________________________.
STEP 5: Tone and Theme On your notebook paper, fill in these sentence stems: Overall, the tone of your story was _______________ because ___________________. One theme I discovered in your story was ___________________ because ________________.