A Read > Lead > Achieve® Initiative FDS500 A Read > Lead > Achieve® Initiative
What is FDS500? Thanks to a grant from Pi Beta Phi Foundation. Part of Fraternity Day of Service. Only 100!! FDS500 is a grant from Pi Beta Phi Foundation that pays for 500 books from the First Book® Marketplace There are100 grants. You will register for these grants on September 1, but the books will be delivered during Fraternity Day of Service. A club/chapter can nominate a local non-profit that is registered with First Book to receive this grant. The organization must have a First Book account to be able to access and order from the Marketplace If not registered yet, can do so by clicking on “become a member” on the First Book homepage The club/chapter needs to have an existing relationship with the recipient group Sign up in September during Read > Lead > Achieve Month.
What FDS500 is not. Not a gift from First Book®. Not 500 books for your club or chapter. Not for multiple organizations. Not free rein of the First Book Marketplace.
How do I sign up? September 1 On September 1, the link to sign up will go live on the Pi Beta Phi website: www.pibetaphi.org/fraternitydayofservice. You will need specific information about your recipient group and the code which you should have received at the end of the webinar. There are only 100 grants available. The sign up will be open for 24-hours from 9 a.m. CT September 1 to 9 a.m. CT September 2. We will select 100 nominations at random from the sign up list.
What information will I need? Your contact information Name, email, phone Recipient group’s contact information Special code from the end of the webinar All fields must be complete or you will be unable to submit the form
First Book contacts the recipient group you choose. What happens next? First Book contacts the recipient group. In October/November, First Book will send out an email using the contact information you provided us to alert your recipient group that they’ve been nominated and will receive 500 books from the First Book Marketplace. Additional information session. In early January, the nominated RGs and their sponsor clubs/chapters will gather for a quick review. This will be a refresher on how to use the Marketplace and Pi Phi’s expectations for the grant. First Book contacts the recipient group you choose.
What happens next? Ordering Books In January, First Book will send a follow-up email to the recipient group with a link to the Pi Beta Phi-branded Marketplace and a promo code. The recipient group will have two weeks to select their books from the special Marketplace. They must select books within this Marketplace or their promo code will not work. The code will only work one time, so they must select all the books at the same time. If they have any issues, they must contact the First Book Help Team. Their contact information will be included in the email to the recipient groups. Delivery and Follow-up As soon as the order is received, the First Book warehouse will work on fulfilling the order and shipping them out. If you are planning an event, please ensure that your contact has placed their order at least 3 weeks prior to the scheduled event. Members can pay extra for expedited shipping (overnight or 2-3 day shipping), but must contact the Member Services Team to process the request. They will be required to pay out of pocket for this service; Pi Phi does not pay for this service. Please note: The books will be delivered to whatever address the recipient group enters when they are filling out their order. FDS500 books arrive in 5-10 boxes. These are not the lightest boxes.
Incorporating FDS500 into your Fraternity Day of Service celebration We hope that you are incorporating the FDS500 into your Fraternity Day of Service celebration. If books arrive early, you can work with your recipient group to store books until your Fraternity Day of Service event. There are lots of great opportunities for positive promotion!
#readleadachieve Spread the Word FDS500 is a great way to positively promote Pi Beta Phi in your community. You can write a press release for your local newspaper, post it on your social media with #readleadachieve and definitely take pictures! Please note: Make sure the messaging is clear. This is a gift from Pi Beta Phi. If you need, Carrie Campana in MarComm would be happy to help you draft press releases. Tag PiBetaPhiHQ on social media so we can see what you’re doing!
Questions? Audrey Dewes, M.A. Literacy Engagement Manager adewes@pibetaphi.org or literacy@pibetaphi.org (636) 256-0680 Promotions questions: Carrie Campana, Illinois Iota Digital Media Manager ccampana@pibetaphi.org