“The Scarlet Ibis Vocabulary”
Caul (N) a part of the amnion sometimes covering the head of a child at birth.
Careen (V) (of a vehicle) to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion: The car careened around the corner.
Serene (Adj.) calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled: a serene landscape; serene old age.
Infallibility (N/Adj) the quality of being infallible, or of being absolutely trustworthy: He believed in the infallibility of his leadership.
Blighted (N) the rapid and extensive discoloration, wilting, and death of plant tissues; a disease so characterized.
Evanesced (V) To disappear gradually, fade away Richard Kenton evanesced into the interior so obviously that Bittridge couldnot offer to come in.
Doggedness (Adj) The quality of being persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious: a dogged worker.
Reiterate (V) to repeat
Precariously (Adv.) exposed to or involving danger; dangerous; perilous; risky; unsure
Clove (V) Verb form of cleave to part or split, especially along a natural line of division.
Rank (Adj) showing vigorous and profuse growth:
Vermilion (N) a brilliant scarlet red.
Prim (adj) formally precise or proper, as persons or behavior; stiffly neat.
Iridescent (Adj) displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow.
Vortex (N) a whirling mass of water, especially one in which a force of suction operates, as a whirlpool.
Solder (V) to join closely and intimately: mend; repair
Naught (N) nothing
Heresy (N) opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church or religious system.