Tips for a Good Works Cited List K.C.S.S. Library Plagiarism MLA Style 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
How do I make a Works Cited list? In every Works Cited entry, you need the same basic information…. WHO wrote the source WHAT is the title of the source WHERE was it published WHEN was it published 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
1. Use the KCSS Library website. Tools to help you…… 1. Use the KCSS Library website. a sample Works Cited list including format tips a chart with sample citations and embedded references for a variety of sources 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
Sample Works Cited List "Culture of Scotland." Countries and Their Cultures. Advameg, Inc., 2013. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Huntley, Dana. "Britain's History in a New National Museum." British Heritage 29.2 (2008): 12-15. History Reference Center. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Levy, Patricia and Stephen H. Rather. Scotland. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 2007. Print. Mather, A. S. "Scotland." World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 2009. Print. Pounds, Norman J.G. “Scotland”. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Stoddart, Patrick, et al. “Scottish Nationalism Before 1890: A Cultural Framework.” International Social Science Review. Fall-Winter 2009: 25-30. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Sample Works Cited List 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
Some common errors students make in Works Cited lists……. Do not number your entries Remember to put the list in alphabetical order Double-space your entries Indent 5 spaces for every line after the first one 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
Format tips to remember: The title Works Cited should be centered. It should not be underlined, bolded, or enlarged. All titles of sources should be written in italics. Double-space the list. Entries should be arranged alphabetically by the authors’ family names. If there is no author or editor, alphabetize it by the first word of the title (but not A, An or The) If a citation is longer than one line, indent all subsequent lines 5 spaces by pressing Ctrl and Tab Include the format of each source (Print. Web. DVD.) 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
2. Use This online program helps you to correctly format each individual citation. BUT… You still have to …..spell your entries correctly Make sure you put the information in the right box Double-check the completed list for any errors 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
Remember, this is what a good Works Cited list looks like…. 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library
Sample Works Cited List "Culture of Scotland." Countries and Their Cultures. Advameg, Inc., 2013. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Huntley, Dana. "Britain's History in a New National Museum." British Heritage 29.2 (2008): 12-15. History Reference Center. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Levy, Patricia and Stephen H. Rather. Scotland. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 2007. Print. Mather, A. S. "Scotland." World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 2009. Print. Pounds, Norman J.G. “Scotland”. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Stoddart, Patrick, et al. “Scottish Nationalism Before 1890: A Cultural Framework.” International Social Science Review. Fall-Winter 2009: 25-30. Web. 22 March 2013 <>. Sample Works Cited List 10/11/2018 K.C.S.S. Library