Insurance By: debshoganteaching Business Bingo Insurance By: debshoganteaching
Pick 9 terms from the Table Below Draw a Table with 9 Cells Pick 9 terms from the Table Below The 1st one to cross off all nine terms WINS!! Policy Insurable interest Agent Insurer Claim form Indemnity Risk Actuary Proposal form Assessor Subrogation Premium Contribution Utmost good faith Excess clause Insurance Broker Under Insurance Insured Life Assurance Comprehensive Term life assurance Whole life assurance Endowment Assurance
Definitions The contract for insurance You must benefit from an items existence and suffer by its loss Calculates the amount of compensation due if you have a claim The application form to be filled out before you get insurance Works for one insurance company only Works for him/herself and shops around many companies to get the best deal You cannot make a profit out of insurance
The person who calculates the amount of the premium This rule states that after compensation has been paid, any property still remaining becomes the property of the insurance company The insurance company You need to fill out this if you have an accident or loss
The amount of the premium is based on this You must tell the truth when filling out a proposal form If your house is insured with two companies and you make a claim, you will only receive a portion from each The fee for insurance Protection against possible loss The person who pays for insurance
Answers Policy Insurable interest Assessor Proposal form Agent Broker Indemnity Actuary Subrogation Insurer
Claim form Risk Utmost good faith Contribution Premium Insurance Insured