Other Vowel Spellings Definitions from the Holt Spelling Handbook Lesson #6 Other Vowel Spellings Definitions from the Holt Spelling Handbook
busy among building young enough though straight rough 9. courage 10. eighth 11. system 12. although 13. sleigh 14. boulder 15. biscuit 16. dough
1. busy (adj.) engaged in some activity or operation
2. among (prep.) in the middle of
3. building (noun) a structure with walls and a roof
4. young (adj.) not old
5. enough (adj.) just the right amount
(conj.) even if Example: Martha really doesn’t like to cook, though she does like to bake. 6. though
7. straight (adj.) not curved
8. rough (adj.) not smooth or even; hard to deal with
(noun) the quality of being able to face danger or pain without giving in to fear 9. courage
10. eighth (adj.) next after the seventh 8th
11. system (noun) a certain way to do something
(conj.) in spite of Example: We were able to complete the game although it rained right up to the last minute. 12. although
(noun) a carriage on runners like a sled that is used to travel over snow and ice 13. sleigh
(noun) a large, rounded rock that rests above or partly above the ground 14. boulder
(noun) a small baked roll made from flour and baking powder, baking soda or yeast 15. biscuit
(noun) a mixture of flour, liquid and other ingredients used to make bread, cookies and other foods 16. dough