WE TACKLE THE PROBLEMS MOST SHY AWAY FROM? What is United Way? United Way is focused on creating community-based and community-led solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a good quality of life: education, financial stability and health. United Ways bring communities together to focus on the most important needs in the community, build partnerships, forge consensus and leverage resources to make a measurable difference. United Way provides much more than dollars. It has an overview perspective of the community. United Way identifies community issues, convenes community groups and develops special initiatives. It certifies agencies and holds them accountable for outcomes. Some have called United Way’s certification the “Good Housekeeping” seal of approval for nonprofit agencies. We strategically invest in effective programs, innovative approaches, and collaborative solutions. WE TACKLE THE PROBLEMS MOST SHY AWAY FROM?
United Way Fights for the Education, Health and Financial Stability of every person in every one of our communities. We are not just the Fund Raisers, with your help we are the hand raisers and the game changers.
Funding Programs to Impact Lives Education Health Financial Stability 11 Funded Programs Boy Scouts Joplin NALA Read Girl Scouts Boys and Girls Club Spring River Mental Health Pittsburg Community Child Care Family Resource Center Communities in Schools BBBS of Crawford County 3535 Program Unduplicated Individuals Served 23 Funded Programs Legal Aid of Western Missouri Lafayette House Joplin Family Y Joplin Assoc. for the Blind Home Medical Supply Community Clinic Children’s Haven Children’s Center Cerebral Palsy Center Spring River Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation Safehouse Crisis Center Pittsburg Family Y Kansas Legal Services Elm Acres 13,133 Program Unduplicated Individuals Served 8 Funded Programs American Red Cross Salvation Army - Joplin Regional Health & Welfare - Crosslines Labette Assistance Center Wesley House Labette Meals on Wheels Catholic Charities of SEK Salvation Army - Pittsburg 24,402 Program Unduplicated Individuals Served
Education Our Goal Our Targets United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas funds programs that support school readiness, literacy and academic success. Our Targets Enter school ready to succeed. Read proficiently by 3rd Grade Make successful transition in and out of middle school.
Health Our Goal United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas promotes healthy behaviors in our communities. Our Targets United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas works to increase the number of community members who: Live a healthy lifestyle, eat well and who are physically active. Avoid substance abuse. Access physical and dental health care. Access personal safety services for individuals and families who face threats to their immediate well-being, including but not limited to domestic violence, child abuse or neglect, and sexual assault.
Financial Stability Our Goal Our Targets United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas works to reduce the number of financial unstable families and individuals and supports their financial independence and workforce development. Our Targets Community Resources aimed at increasing both soft and hard employment skills. Affordable childcare to enable employment, heath care, social services and daily living activities. Financial literacy training programs. Resources or services for finding and maintaining affordable housing.
New Community Impact Funding Model Funding programs that address community critical issues Narrowly focused to have community impact Enhanced accountability Outcome measurements Community Investment Panel Site Visits Ongoing oversight through Pillar Oversight Committees
How We Will Measure Success More focused on program logic models Strong outcome measurement projections Quarterly outcome measurement reports Quarterly outcome reports reviewed by Pillar Oversite Committee Quarterly outcome community report cards
United Way fights with hope, we fight with our hearts and most importantly, we fight with purpose.
Education ▪ Health Financial Stability We focus on the most critical issues in order to make the greatest impact where it is most needed. United Way of SWMO & SEK invests donor dollars in specific programs delivered by nonprofit organizations that can demonstrate measurable results and impact on specific community issues.
Change doesn’t happen alone, we must fight together.
Together we can fight for a stronger community. Questions. Thank you.