Pet therapy By: Lily Rath
Origin Early Existence of Humans 18th century 19th century Pet therapy came from the belief that animals and their spirits possessed supernatural powers. 18th century Recorded the first use of animal therapy in hospitals for mentally ill patients 19th century U.S. military encouraged hospitals to use dogs for therapy Dr. Boris Levinson discovered pet therapy after accidentally leaving a dog with a difficult child Modern Times Used in mental institutions, prisons, nursing homes, etc. Pets assist in life activities
Purpose Therapy pets are used for: Reduce stress Hospital Patients Decrease anxiety Depression Companion Reduces loneliness Boredom Hospital Patients Chemo-therapy
Do you have any personal stories? Method Common reasons for pet therapy needs: Autism Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Chemotherapy patients Stroke Victims Mentally ill patients People who suffer from depression Do you have any personal stories?
Does it really work? Good News Bad News Published studies found POSITIVE results Maggie O’Haire of Purdue University Reviewed 30 studies on children suffering with autism 30 different outcomes with impressive results 27 of 30 studies reported positive outcomes Erika Friedmann and Heesook Son Reviewed 28 studies published between 1997 and 2009 Disorders included: Alzheimer’s, developmental disabilities, and down’s syndrome 26 of 28 studies reported positive outcomes Animal therapy studies found NEGATIVE results Michael Anestis 12 of 14 studies sample sizes were too small to be reliable Studies lacked control groups Julie Nimer and Brad Lundahl Researchers only published what people wanted to hear 100 people… 9 Good results… 91 would have done just as well by staying home & hanging out on Facebook Personal experiences disagree…
bibliography Admin. “Admin.” Equestrian Therapy, © 2017 • GeneratePress, 26 Apr. 2014, Giorgi, Anna Zernone. “Pet Therapy.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 4 May 2016, Herzog, Hal. “Does Animal-Assisted Therapy Really Work?” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 17 Nov. 2014, us/201411/does-animal-assisted-therapy-really-work.