Chris Shelton Vice President and CTO September 2017 AES PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL | NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION AI and The Why of Energy Chris Shelton Vice President and CTO September 2017
AES’ grid battery solutions for utilities and renewables 10 years from 1st Li-ion storage on grid to solving the biggest infrastructure challenges today #1 Energy Storage Systems Integrator – 2015 & 2016
About the AES Corporation Mission: Improving lives by providing safe, reliable and sustainable energy solutions in every market we serve. AES Serves 10M CUSTOMERS 5 4 17 MARKET-FACING STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNITS CONTINENTS COUNTRIES 21,000 GLOBAL WORKFORCE 36,000 MW GENERATION CAPACITY
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The United Nations Actually Measures Human Progress UN Human Development Index (HDI) Life expectancy Education (adult literacy, gross enrollment) Standard of Living (purchasing power)
Key Electricity Stakeholder Questions for Green Tech Adoption Hypothetical analysis of a new energy efficiency solution… New Green-tech X ✅ ? AI Solutions ? ✅ How does it (really) work? Is it dependable? (reliability) Is it scalable? (meaningful) Is it really sustainable? How much does it cost?
Safe Harbor Disclosure
AES Performance Excellence Program On Track to Achieve $400M Run Rate through 2020 Contains forward looking statements