9th May 2018/Soria (Spain) Dr. Volker Offermann


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Presentation transcript:

IV Spring Meeting on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Finance and Depopulation in Europe 9th May 2018/Soria (Spain) Dr. Volker Offermann Policies to promote Social Entrepreneurship & Social Innovations in Brandenburg

Socio-economic Profile Brandenburg Socio-economic Profile 2,495 mio inhabitants (2016) Average age: 46.8 years (2015) 29,478 square km 845.600 employees (2017) Unemployment rate: 7.0 % (2017) 109.545 companies 97.8 % micro/small Estimated 1,000 – 1,500 social enterprises (in a narrow sense) in DE; BB: ? Self-employment level (2016): BB: 10.3 % (DE: 10.0 %) 9th May, 2018

Entrepreneurial Stages Fostering Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Stages 9th May, 2018

Network of Counseling Services (Startup Phase/Formation) Fostering Entrepreneurship Network of Counseling Services (Startup Phase/Formation) 9th May, 2018

Orientation & guidance services for start-ups in Brandenburg 2015-2020 Fostering Entrepreneurship Orientation & guidance services for start-ups in Brandenburg 2015-2020 Volume: € 36 million (30 million ESF, 6 million regional co-financing) Goals: mindset activation for entrepreneurship and business succession support of more than 1.000 entrepreneurs/successors in Brandenburg in the Startup Phase/Formation per year securing the sustainability of start-ups 9th May, 2018

Target Groups Regional business mentoring services (Lotsendienste) Fostering Entrepreneurship Target Groups Regional business mentoring services (Lotsendienste) Founders at least 30 years of age Unemployed/employed persons starting up a business in Brandenburg Entrepreneurship laboratories for young people (Gründungswerkstätten für junge Leute) support young people up to 30 years to build up their company in Brandenburg Unemployed or facing unemployment Completed apprenticeship Start-up support services at HEI‘s (Gründungsservices an Hochschulen) Students, scientific staff, former students Business mentoring service for migrants (Lotsendienst für Migrantinnen und Migranten) Migrants, refugees looking to set up their own business in Brandenburg

9th May, 2018

Fostering Entrepreneurship 9th May, 2018

Social Impact Labs Social Impact Lab Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Social Impact Labs Social Impact Lab main focus: support of social startups scholarships including professional consulting, coaching, workshops co-working spaces founding support for special target groups platform for social entrepreneurs, freelancer and companies room for work, networking and exchange 1 in Brandenburg (Potsdam) 6 more Social Impact Labs in Germany (Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt/Main, Leipzig, Duisburg, Stuttgart) Social Impact Labs are mainly private financed 9th May, 2018

Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Social Impact Lab main focus: support of social startups scholarships including professional consulting, coaching, workshops co-working spaces founding support for special target groups platform for social entrepreneurs, freelancer and companies room for work, networking and exchange 1 in Brandenburg (Potsdam) 6 more Social Impact Labs in Germany (Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt/Main, Leipzig, Duisburg, Stuttgart) Social Impact Labs are mainly privately financed 9th May, 2018

Social Impact Labs Outcomes 2011 – 2017 Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Social Impact Labs Outcomes 2011 – 2017 Admission of more than 400 teams in Social Startup Programmes 200 new social businesses More than 1,000 new jobs created Social Startup teams received more than 170 national & international awards More than 5 mio EUR mobilized seed capital (partly in 50 crowdfunding campaigns) 9th May, 2018

Social Impact Labs & Further Activities Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Social Impact Labs & Further Activities Activities for special target groups Refugees, who want to go back to their home countries: Starthope@Home Welfare associations fostering social innovation/social intrapreneurship Thematic exchange and support for international partners Crowdfunding: Social Impact Finance 9th May, 2018

Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) as specific type of SE WISE is a company or an operating unit of a company which employs former long-term unemployed people who have restrictions on productivity or placement obstacles. employment is within the scope of social insurance work is close to the market products and services are sold on the market sales cover part of the costs target is reintegration in the regular labour market instructors support employees during work training and qualification is available, if necessary 9th May, 2018

Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) as specific type of SE grants to support wages (compensation of productivity restrictions and placement obstacles) by Public Employment Service grants for the instructor costs by the State of Brandenburg; responsility of instructors: socio-educational help and advice professional instruction max. 4,300 EUR per month and instructor staffing ratio: 1 instructor: 5 former long-term unemployed former long-term unemployed were supported for max. 24 month Foto: MAZ/René Gaffron 9th May, 2018

Competition Neutrality for WISEs production costs of a commercial enterprise production costs of a Social Factory instructor costs public grants staff costs staff costs sales overhead costs overhead costs material costs material costs write-down write-down 9th May, 2018

„Mikrokredit Brandenburg“ Financing „Mikrokredit Brandenburg“ „Mikrokredit Brandenburg“ is a loan programme tailored to the needs of SME relevant for the Startup Phases Formation, Validation & Growth (max. 10 years after foundtion) loan capital from 2,000 EUR up to 25,000 Euro credit period: 5 years interest rate is low; actually: 1,77 % single payment of the total amount no equity capital and no safeties needed no fees flexibel monthly repayment 9th May, 2018

„Mikrokredit Brandenburg“ Financing „Mikrokredit Brandenburg“ Financing of equipment investments (costs of takeover (buy of an enterprise), machines, business equipment etc.) initial equipping with materials and goods for sale and storage running costs for rent, lease, staff, marketing, consulting etc. fees of business registration . 9th May, 2018

Support of SI by the ESF in the Fund Period 2014-2020 Fostering Social Innovation Support of SI by the ESF in the Fund Period 2014-2020 Basis: Europe 2020-Strategy & flagship initiatives (especially Innovation Union) Regulation (EU) 1304/2013, article 9 paragraph 1) Member states identify „fields for social innovation that correspond to the Member States' specific needs.” (paragraph 2) Specific needs of Brandenburg decrease & aging of the population, especially in the rural areas; safeguarding of skilled work force in the companies; resource efficient/ ecologically intelligent re-organisation of work & production processes; solidified long-term unemployment. 9th May, 2018

„Social Innovations“ within the Brandenburg Programme Fostering Social Innovation „Social Innovations“ within the Brandenburg Programme Types of innovations within the Brandenburg programme (1): programme innovations, i.e. an employment measure with new objectives and content (2): process innovations, i.e. changes in the methodical components while performing a measure (3): structural innovations, i.e. changes in the organisational structures developing and performing an employment measure a new solution which isn‘t realized in BB yet or well-known elements will be newly combined or well-known elements will be applied under new framework conditions 9th May, 2018

Funded Projects Two types of funded projects Fostering Social Innovation Funded Projects Two types of funded projects (1) development projects (max. 50,000 EUR) conceptualisation and preparation of innovative projects Objective: better solutions for employment problems at least one partner from another EU-country Duration: 6 month www.de.freepik.com 9th May, 2018

Funded Projects (2) Model Projects (max. 300,000 EUR) Fostering Social Innovation Funded Projects (2) Model Projects (max. 300,000 EUR) Prove of innovative solutions Objective: implementation of proved approaches Participation of a foreign partner is explicitly welcome Duration: 24 month 9th May, 2018

Possible Areas of Activity for Projects Fostering Social Innovation Possible Areas of Activity for Projects IP: Adaption of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change development projects model projects conceptualisation/prove of innovative employment measures in entrerprises to overcome the demografical changes in rural areas innovative approaches for staff recruitment and human resources development innovative approaches for ecological sustainable organisation of production and work processes 9th May, 2018

Possible Areas of Activity for Projects Fostering Social Innovation Possible Areas of Activity for Projects IP: Active inclusion, including with a view to equal opportunities & active participation, & improving employability Development Projects Model Projects conceptualization/prove of innovative employment measures for disadvantaged people in rural areas innovative employment measures tackling long-term unemployment innovative target group specific measures to improve employability innovative ways of economic activities, consumption, work and life together 9th May, 2018

Thank you for attention! Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit, Frauen und Familie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg. 9th May, 2018