Factors Positively Affecting Health Sleep, income and stress
Useful Websites Diet helps to promote a good night's sleep
Why do we need sleep? sleep Growth occurs Dreaming happens so your brain can sieve through all the information form the day and sort it out. Stress reduces sleep Growth occurs Body Repairs muscle and tissue
What happens if we have inadequate sleep? Tired Grumpy Lack of concentration Inability to string sentence together properly No energy Don’t want to exercise
Income What positive things can you do with a good income? Socialise Afford good food Afford nice, clean environment to live in Holidays Nice clothes= self esteem Live in countryside/suburbs Car= to travel to use NHS facilities Heat our homes Live in a house with a garden Buy luxuries Use these points to help you explain this in your cwk
Stress Life without stress has a positive effect on health. What things can affect your stress levels? Money Family problems Work Illness Divorce/marriage Children NOW EXPLAIN THIS IN YOUR CWK