FinMan Dashboards
The Dashboards can be found here: https://medschool. ucsd The Dashboards can be found here: MAN-Reports.aspx You will need your AD login to access them. Please make sure your pop-up blocker allows pop-ups from this site Finman dashboards
Summary – Landing Page for all Dashboards that includes Net, Revenue, Expenses, Transfers, and Reserve Spending Add Back Net Excluding Reserve Spending Add Back – Bottom line at a high level Revenue – detailed look by Line Item Expenses – detailed look by Line Item for Salaries and Benefits and Non Payroll Expense Transfers – detailed look by Line Item Reserve Spending Add Back – detailed look by Line Item Finman dashboards
Department and Division selection. It follows a hierarchy, for example: School of Medicine - Clinical Departments - Medicine - Cardiology Division is the lowest level selection and multiples can be selected just hold down the Ctrl button when selecting. Fiscal Year and Month selection. A whole Fiscal Year can be selected or just a month. If a month is selected it is YTD for that month, for example if you select September it will include July, August, and September. Mission selection. Any mission can be selected, you can do it individually or at multiples. For multiples, hold down the Ctrl button when making the selection. Project Type Selection. This is Optional but you can select Central Department Operations or Department Other. If you don’t make a selection it defaults to totals. Navigation Finish. After all selections have been made please press the Finish button for the dashboards to run.
To move from one dashboard to another there are 2 ways of doing this To move from one dashboard to another there are 2 ways of doing this. On the top of each dashboard there is a link to the other dashboards. You can click on any of those links and it will take you to the next dashboard. A new tab is created once a link has been clicked. On the Summary Dashboard there is a link above each graph to the different types Those will take you to the other dashboards as well Navigation
Conditional formatting Summary Dashboard Net Excluding Reserve Spending Add Back If the Variance is positive and the Net is positive than it is green (Good) If the Variance is negative and the Net is less than budgeted or if the Variance is positive and the Net is negative but more than budgeted than it is yellow (Caution) If the Variance is negative and the Net is negative and less than budgeted it is Red (Review) Bar Graphs If the net is less than budget then red, if the net is greater than budget then green Revenue If the revenue is less than budget then red, if the revenue is greater than budget then green Expenses If the expenses are less than budget then green, if the expenses are greater than budget then red Transfers If the transfers are less than budget then red, if the transfers are greater than budget then green Conditional formatting
Conditional Formatting Line Item Status Revenue, Transfers, and Reserve Spending Add Back If Amount is greater than Budget then Green, if % variance is less than - 5% and variances is less than -$25,000 then Red, all else is Yellow Expenses If Budget is greater than Amount then Green, if % variance is less than - 5% and variance is less than -$25,000 then Red, all else is Yellow Conditional Formatting
Drill thrus Drill thrus are available for the detailed dashboards Revenue, Expenses, Transfers, and Reserve Spending Add Back Any blue number you see is a drill thru Select that number and an excel report will run with the details that make up that number Make sure pop up blocker is turned off Drill thrus