APIs and Synchronization Alann jurado
Synchronization Mutual Exclusion Critical Section Semaphores
API API: Application Programming Interface. The API defines the correct way for a developer to write a program that requests services from an operating system or other application. APIs are made up of two related elements. The first is a specification that describes how information is exchanged between programs, done in the form of a request for processing and a return of the necessary data. The second is a software interface written to that specification and published in some way for use.
Why are APIs good Software that was once custom-developed for a specific purpose is now often written referencing APIs that provide broadly useful features, reducing development time and cost and mitigating the risk of errors. APIs have steadily improved software quality over the last decade, and the growing number of web services exposed through APIs by cloud providers is also encouraging the creation of cloud-specific applications, internet of things efforts and apps to support mobile devices and users.
You can access GitHub’s API directly with your browser without even needing an access token. JSON response you get when you visit a GitHub user’s API route in your browser
Sync API The Sync API allows you to keep a local copy of all content in a space up-to-date via delta updates, or content that has changed. Delta Updates: Get content added or changed since the last sync. Delete local content deleted since the last sync. Without a Sync API, applications require an ongoing internet connection and have to constantly download all data in each synchronization, including content they are already aware of. This wastes a lot of mobile data and time, especially when syncing on cellular data.
SYNC API Pros: Cons: Data usage reduction Time saving Less resource usage Cons: Fetches entire content instead of only newest Synchronization endpoint delivers a maximum of 100 items per page, multiple request needed for large data.