The ACT® test score report
Your scores The section you’re probably most interested in is your Composite and subject test scores. The Composite score is the average of your four multiple-choice test scores. This section also shows your subject test scores for each section of the ACT: math, science, English, and reading. There’s a STEM score, which is the average of your math and science scores. If you’re planning on majoring in a STEM area, this is an important indicator of your readiness for those courses. [NOTE: If your district chose to offer the writing test, that score is available on the right. The “ELA” score is the average of the English, reading, and writing tests and is only available when a student takes the writing test.]
The ACT® test score report The purple lines in this area indicate the ACT College Readiness Benchmark for that subject. Scoring at these benchmarks means you have a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher, or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in first-year college courses in this subject. This can help you plan your coursework in high school and college.
The ACT® test score report The ranking section tells you the approximate percentages of high school students across the country and in [your state] who took the ACT and received the same or lower scores. For example, the 56% Composite ranking in the “US Rank” section means 56% of students received the same Composite score or lower than your Composite score.
The ACT® test score report That purple bracket on the right is the ACT Readiness Range. It shows where students who’ve met the ACT College Readiness Benchmark in this subject area would typically perform.
The ACT® test score report When you registered to take the ACT, you filled out an interest inventory that asked about activities you prefer. The Interest-Major Fit section of your score report takes that information and compares your interests to the interests of students in the major you plan to enter. This can help you figure out if there’s a good fit between what you like to do and what you plan to do.
The ACT® test score report – Career Connector Your interest inventory results also factors into the Career Connector graphic. This visually summarizes your interests in how they relate to careers and indicates the types of careers you should consider, along with a list of some sample occupations that align with your area of interest.
The ACT® test score report – ACT National Career Readiness Certificate™ This section is about the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate, which is a certificate you can earn to show your career readiness to employers. This section of your report uses your Composite score to give an early estimate of you earning a Bronze, Silver, or Gold level of the certificate. You can ask our school counselor about earning a certificate before or after graduation.
The ACT® test score report – ACT National Career Readiness Certificate™ Here’s what the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate looks like.
Questions? I’ll take you through the ACT score report section by section, helping you understand what it can tell you about your college and career readiness.