World Literature 2 September 7 & 8 Mr. Thomas
60 Second Warm Up What does it mean to be civilized? What amenities and organization does a group of people need to have in order to be considered a civilization?
Essential Questions & Learning Objectives What are the essential elements of writing an effective body paragraph? What are the foundations of civilization? Students will plan and craft an effective body paragraph. Students will identify examples of civilization as it emerges in Lord of the Flies.
Today’s Agenda Late/Missing Work? Body Paragraph Structure Survival essentials in Lord of the Flies Foundations of Civilization
Body Paragraph Structure On a separate piece of paper, spend 3 minutes brainstorming what you think are the most essential resources for survival that the boys have in Lord of the Flies.
Body Paragraph Structure Use your brainstorming to choose one resource and write a single paragraph about why that resource is the most essential on the island.
Body Paragraph Structure Use a red pencil to underline your topic sentence. Use a blue pencil to underline evidence that you provide from the novel. Use a green pencil to underline the analysis (your explanation of the evidence, why it’s important, how it connects to your topic).
Body Paragraph Structure At your tables, share each part of your paragraph and evaluate the best topic sentence, evidence, and analysis. Then, as a group, choose the best evidence and rewrite or revise a topic sentence for a group paragraph. Together, rewrite the rest of the paragraph as you work together to make the best paragraph.
Pillars of Civilization Education Law & Law Enforcement Natural Resources & Usage Family & Reproduction Media, Arts, and Technology Government Religion
Civilization Examples What do the pillars of civilization look like in our culture? Discuss for a few minutes at your table and we will discuss as a whole class shortly.
Civilization Examples What do the pillars look like in Lord of the Flies? Discuss for a few minutes at your table and we will discuss as a whole class shortly.
Civilization Homework - Building a Utopia Use the packet provided to develop your dream world. Your dream world must be developed and ready to turn in on Friday when we will use them for an in-class activity.
60 Second Closure What is the importance of a good topic sentence? Why is analysis so important to the structure of a body paragraph?