Project BBC Blackburn’s Beautiful Colours “Helping to Heal” St Thomas’s Centre
Our Aims To provide a service for refugees To provide a facility where they can come and talk about their problems and concerns. To provide a service to socialise , enjoy and be part of community cohesion.
What we are trying to achieve To provide workshops on the following: Tea and coffee sessions for socialising Counselling Employment advice Health Education EAL English as an additional language Building lives Bringing the community together
Adults Children welcome ! Families Refugees People of different ethnic race and religion.
Who will be involved? Get the public involved Get the community involved Blackburn and Darwen Primary and Secondary schools in the local community will help promote Project BBC and help us reach out to “Helping to Heal”. Location - Local community centres and Youth Zone due to it being central Blackburn.
Charity and merchandise T-shirts and hoodies Pens and pencils Mugs
Thank you for listening.