June 20, 2018 Overview: 2018 Amended WIOA Performance Accountability Reporting Requirements
Shelia F. Lewis Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
Annie Leonetti Toquir Ahmed Cesar Acevedo Supervisory Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Toquir Ahmed Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Cesar Acevedo Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
Provide overview of PY 2018 reporting requirements Discuss ICR revisions for titles I & III (Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth and Wagner-Peyser) core programs Highlight significant revisions to reporting instruments (PIRL, Quarterly/Annual Templates, and upload schemas)
Reportable Individuals (revisions –PIRL/Report Specifications) Measurable Skill Gains (revisions – PIRL/Report Specifications) State Integrated Record Schema (SIR Schema) Available Resources
What is your level of familiarity with the WIOA data collection changes for PY 2018? I was highly involved in the review during the ICR public comment periods and could lead this webinar. I was aware of some of the proposed changes during the ICR public comment periods, but I could use a refresher. I am aware that there will be some changes, but I’m not sure what they are. There will be changes in PY 2018???!!!
Overview of PY 2018 Reporting Requirements Amended WIOA Joint ICR approved for PY 2018 collection/reporting in March 2018 Amended DOL-only ICR approved for PY 2018 collection/reporting in January 2018 Both the current and amended ICR’s are on the ETA performance webpage (www.doleta.gov/performance) Important to distinguish between the current and amended requirements What was amended and approved? Annual and Quarterly Reports and Specifications (ETA 9169 and ETA 9173) Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) (ETA 9170 and ETA 9172) Eligible Training Provider (ETP) report (ETA 9171) Pay-for-Performance Report (ETA 9174)
Overview of PY 2018 Reporting Requirements Important Notes: Remaining PY 2017 reports will continue to use the ICR forms approved in 2016 PY 2017 4th Quarter (April 2018-June 2018) quarterly performance report, due to the Department by August 14, 2018 PY 2017 Statewide Annual Performance Report, due to the Department by October 1, 2018 PY 2018 reporting requirements will be implemented in WIPS after PY 2017 reporting has concluded and in time for PY 2018 Q1 reporting PY 2018 1st Quarter (July 2018–September 2018) quarterly performance report, due to the Department by November 14, 2018
Background/Overview of ICR Revisions Why amend the ICRs? Received feedback from states/grantees on improving and revising data elements and specifications Align reporting requirements with policy and statutory language DOL program offices requested revisions Types of Changes? Added and revised data elements including “checking/unchecking” program requirements Revised inconsistences and minor grammar mistakes Clarified data elements, specifications, and reports, including break out templates In response to the public comments
Annual Performance Report (ETA-9169) Statewide Annual Performance Report: Minor revisions: Replaced “Target” with “Negotiated Target” Statewide Annual Performance Report Specifications: Revised Participant and Exiter counts for career services to include Youth Revised specs for Participants Served and Exited for both Career and Training Services Revised to either “Received Training ≠ 1” OR “Received Training = 1” Example: Spec for Participants Exited (career services)
Annual Performance Report (ETA-9169) – cont. Credential Attainment Template: Removed the breakout template Credential Attainment Specifications: Revised all credential attainment specifications to exclude Other Reason for Exit = 07 (Criminal Offender) from the denominator Revised all credential attainment specifications to reference PIRL elements (1800-1805) for up to 3 recognized credentials
Quarterly Performance Report (ETA-9173) 2 Report Template Revisions: Added Veterans’ Priority of Service Report Specification Revisions: Removed “Employment Status at Program Entry is < 3” from Employment rate Q2 & Q4 and Median Earnings for all specs including Youth Removed all references to Effectiveness in Serving Employers Revised Basic Career Services specs to use “Date of First Basic Career Service (Staff-Assisted)” instead of “Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Staff- Assisted)”
Quarterly Performance Report (ETA-9173) – cont. 2 Credential Attainment: Revised to ensure consistency with the Annual Report specs Measurable Skill Gains: Youth Report and Specification Revisions: Revised the Youth template and specs to utilize certain data elements that were determined more appropriate Added specs for credential attainment for Youth who received services other than Occupational Skills Training Many revisions mirrored those made to the non-Youth specs
Eligible Training Providers (ETA-9171) 3 The ETP report is not required for PY 2017 reporting Data collection will begin July 1, 2018; states will submit information on ETP outcomes with the PY 2018 WIOA annual report, due October 1, 2019 WIOA Wednesday Webinar on ETP reporting is scheduled for July 11, 2018, at 3:00 pm EDT
Annual Narrative Report 4 Guidance is forthcoming that will include detailed information regarding the contents of the report and its due date.
PIRL (ETA-9170 & ETA-9173) 5 Both the DOL-only PIRL and Joint PIRL elements were revised jointly so the common elements remain identical. Additions/Deletions (Data Elements/Columns): Several new DOL-only data elements and Joint WIOA elements. New elements include one for reportable individuals, as well as elements to allow recording more than one Educational Functioning Level (EFL) per record (PIRL 1909-1922) New joint elements to better capture credential and MSG data. Added Incumbent Worker Training column and appropriate requirements. Deleted several elements that were deemed no longer appropriate or necessary to be included in the PIRL.
PIRL (ETA-9170 & ETA-9173) – cont. Revisions: Revised parts of elements, including code values, data element names, and instructions Revisions to the data element definition/instructions were the most common Some data element revisions required corresponding revisions to the specifications Checked/Unchecked requirements for programs For the purposes of ensuring complete program-specific reporting and QPRs for non-core programs, individual programs identified specific data elements to add or remove from their program- specific collections Added code values and program specific definitions/instructions for reportable individuals for programs
Reportable Individuals 6 For the remainder of PY 2017 reporting, continue reporting without “Date of Program Entry” or “Date of Program Exit” (PIRL 900 & PIRL 901) for reportable individuals PIRL Revisions: Added a new data element (#1007) to capture “Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact” Added code values specifically for reportable individuals to program-specific data elements
Reportable Individuals – cont. Revised the specifications to use the new data element (1007) and the program flag as identified by the appropriate code value for the program
Measurable Skill Gains 7 Several notable revisions to properly capture Measurable Skill Gains: MSG numerator to only count one gain per period Revised MSG template only to provide gross counts Specs were revised to use PIRL #1813 to remove those who have completed education or training from inclusion during a second program year Spec was revised to change Date of Participation to Date of Program Entry New EFL data elements to capture more than one assessment (#1909-1922)
State Integrated Record Schema (SIR Schema) 8 Effective with the PY 2018 1st Quarter performance reporting, there will be a combined WIPS upload schema, titled the “State Integrated Record Schema,” for the following programs: title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs title III Wagner-Peyser program Trade Adjustment Assistance Jobs for Veterans State Grants National Dislocated Worker Grants These programs will need to utilize either the SIR Schema or Full PIRL Schema option to upload their data Additional information about available upload schemas can be found on the WIPS User Resource Library Information Page at: https://www.doleta.gov/performance/wips/
What tool or resource would best help you implement these revisions? A red-lined version of all of the forms that show approved revisions. A comparison done in Excel between the current and amended PIRL that indicates which cells (instructions, code values, etc.) have been revised. Both “1” and “2” Other? (Type ideas in chat box)
Contact information for ETA for: Program or Policy Questions ETAPerforms@dol.gov WIPS Related Technical Assistance WIOA.Feedback@dol.gov ETA Performance Page Performance-related resources, including both the current and amended ICRs www.doleta.gov/performance/ www.doleta.gov/performance/reporting Workforce GPS Performance Reporting Community – use the discussion topics to stay connected to opportunities for peer learning and the newest developments related to Performance Reporting https://performancereporting.workforcegp s.org/ Name of reference item
Webinar: ETP Reporting Overview July 11, 2018 Webinar: Co-Enrollment Cohort Report to the System The 7 state co-enrollment cohort teams will report their experiences and outcomes to the workforce and education systems (WIOA core and partner programs) July 18, 2018