Schedule All Students/Parents start Curriculum Night in 1st Period. 1st Period 5:00 - 5:20 PM 2nd Period 5:23 - 5:43 PM 3rd Period 5:46 - 6:06 PM (no 4th period tonight) 5th Period 6:09 - 6:29 PM 6th Period 6:32 - 6:52 PM 7th Period 6:55 - 7:15 PM
Welcome to Curriculum Night Math Teacher: Mr. Kevin Blomberg 8th Grade Linear Algebra
About me… I grew up in Durham, CT Came to AZ to go to ASU Married with a baby girl on the way in September! I have three rescued cats 6th year teaching Math, 2nd year at Aprende I love fantasy role playing games (RPGs), the 80s, Batman, and anything nerdy Hobbies: Board games, sewing/leatherworking, RPGs
Norms for Middle School It is a student’s responsibility to write down their homework assignments and get makeup work if absent. All students are expected to be in their 1st Period Class ready to learn with materials out. Bell rings at 8:25 and we begin at 8:30am everyday. Students must have all of their supplies with them every day.
Communication Assignments and test dates are written on board in class and also will be available on Mr. Blomberg’s Website. This is the primary go-to reference for parents to get info on class. Please update your email address and phone number in the Synergy gradebook system. This is the contact info all teachers will use to reach you. You should received weekly Aprende newsletters from Mrs. Kory and the front office. It has all the school info you need!
Classroom Rules 4 Main Rules Listen and follow directions Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
8th grade Rules School’s NO GUM POLICY. You will be sent to ISI for gum and given a time out referral. Repeat offenders will face further consequences. Please drink all Starbucks type drinks, Arizona Iced Tea’s, etc. at home or before entering school. You will be asked to throw away these kinds of drinks when you enter the building. Discipline Warning Refocus ISI / Conduct Referral / Parent Contact
Supplies Composition Book (College ruled) LOTS of Pencils and erasers Loose leaf paper Red Pens Highlighters Strongly reccomended: Dry erase markers Graph paper Note cards Scientific or Graphing Calculator Ruler
Requested classroom donations Please consider donating items to my classroom and for me to share with students in need! Highlighters Erasers Pencils Whiteboard Markers Colored Pencils Adult sized scissors Graph paper Tissues Clorox wipes Hand sanitizer Post its Glue
grading 80% Assessments Tests, quizzes, projects 20% Classwork Homework, bell work, in class assignments, etc. Gradebook Updated regularly Missing, absent (earned grade) vs not absent (go in as 0) Test retakes are permitted (until 4th quarter)
Homework Expect homework 3-4 days per week. It will usually take about 30 focused minutes to complete. If you don’t understand a problem or assignment, you still must attempt the problems showing work and effort. This is what it takes to avoid no credit if you are really confused. On your homework, please show all of your work and all of the steps we discuss in class/write in notes. Blank problem or No work =No points Homework will be graded for accuracy in class daily. Some assignments are entered into the gradebook for completion credit and some earn points for accuracy. Students are expected to grade assignments and correct wrong answers to keep as a study tool for tests.
My Website Will be updated often Will contain information on… Syllabus Homework and test dates on Calendar Homework files if not in book Other important information
Course Info Carnegie Textbooks Consumables Student Centered learning Inquiry Based and Direct Instruction Mix Mathia Carnegie’s Online program that follows our curriculum Will need to be completed as Homework if not caught up Students must complete each quarter’s work in that quarter. Students will receive a score based on how much they have completed of each section. This will be entered as a Mathia test score in the gradebook. If students do not score well on a unit in Mathia, they may recomplete the unit on their own time, inform me, and earn the new score before the end of the quarter. Yes, Mathia will be required this year.
Linear Algebra Course Outline (8th grade level math) 1st QUARTER Rigid Motion Transformatons Similarity Line and Angle Relationships 2nd QUARTER Changing Proportions to Linear Relationships Linear Relationships Intro to Funtions 3rd QUARTER Patterns in Bivariate Data Solving Linear Equations Systems of Linear Equations Compound Probability 4th QUARTER The Real Number System Pythagorean Theorem Exponents Scientific Notation Volume of Curved Figures
Potential Expenses for 8th Grade Yearbook The cost of a standard yearbook is about $30 – the price goes up towards the end of the year. Baby Ad is available for $25. This would allow you to submit a baby or childhood picture of your child and a personalized message to be included in the yearbook. The deadline to order a Baby Ad is early January – more info will come out when school begins. (Baby Ads are only available to 8th grade students.) 8th Grade Promotion Dance The fee for this dance ranges from $5 to $10. Big Surf This 8th grade field trip will be the last week of school. The fee is $20 and includes lunch. Disneyland for choir and band students The trip is in early February Ms. Figueroa and Mrs. Werner will provide information about the requirements for the trip and the fees. Mini Town This is a leadership training camp held in Prescott in February. All students are welcome to apply to this incredible opportunity. Applications available in November The fee is $185 and are due in January. Living History Trip Mr. Furman will be providing information about trip. The trip will take place second quarter The fee will be $297 and will be due two weeks prior to the trip. Sports Fall sports: cross country, boys soccer, and volleyball Winter sports: girls soccer, wrestling, boys basketball, girls softball, and spiritline. Spring sports: boys baseball, girls basketball, track & field. Fees range from $100 to $150 depending on the sport and are due when your student makes the team.
In Conclusion… I am here to partner with you to help your child learn all they can this year. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please call or email me: Email: Phone: 480-541-6349