Relevance of lit review to own context and practice: common core bringing technology into classrooms, new resources, and many questions about how to use it. Discovered differences in school uses, even teachers within same school. Drilled down to implementation studies to discover school level factors greatest determinant of tech use—conduciveness, availability, and type
Survey data, tech grant studies, site studies, and case studies within sites illustrated that schools are systems where implementation depends largely on organizational context factors and connections between those factors. Major factors include leadership, networks of support, and how organizational culture defines target pedagogy and teaching practices. Teachers in more connected networks that were more supportive of constructivist technology integration were more likely to take risks, more likely to facilitate productive use of tech.
Methodology with 3 research questions: How is participating in a technology PLC associated with teacher beliefs and practices related to addressing the digital use divide? What are aspects of the PLC that facilitate teachers’ innovative practices related to addressing the digital use divide? What are the interactions between school-based context factors and teacher collaboration and learning in the PLC?
How is participating in a technology PLC associated with teacher beliefs and practices related to addressing the digital use divide?
What are aspects of the PLC that facilitate teachers’ innovative practices related to addressing the digital use divide?
What are the interactions between school-based context factors and teacher collaboration and learning in the PLC?
Impact on my job and life: Research sometimes feels like the antithesis to day-to day-leadership time demands and practices as it forces one to slow down (painfully slow!) to thoughtfully design interactions in order to enable the perception and collection of valid information and draw thoughtful conclusions Doing so at my site with teacher leaders volunteering their time highlighted my own vulnerability and dependence on their work for change at the school and for my own project (ethics explored at very first meeting!—from participants and from myself!) Reference to Pascoe, 2011 Reviewing tapes and transcripts for reviews with critical friend and member checking (part of methodology) were key to seeing my own leadership and practices through new lenses, giving time and room for candid disclosures and adjustments to participation as leader in the midst of teacher collaboration.