Awarding Criterion for late tender: the lowest bid- why? Because: when the project goes to Detail Design, the Client has 100% influence on the design of the project (i.e. the project´s quality and quantity has been stated), so the only criterion left to compete on is the price!!
Each group must submit a bid for the project by 3rd March Main (Prime) Contracting, which is usually used in connection with ”late tender” on the basis of an architect´s detail design project, will be the basis for this project. Client Client´s Brief Client´s architect does 3D model design The Client seeks the lowest bid on the basis of the design done by his architect, which in this case, is the delivered Revit 3D Model. Each group must submit a bid for the project by 3rd March MAIN CONTRACTOR A (Company A) MAIN CONTRACTOR B (Company B) Contractor´s estimation division works-out bid Contractor´s estimation division works-out bid The contractor with the lowest bid wins the contract and gets to do the construction on site, but in this “school situation”, everyone will simulate construction on site
Concrete Element Works: The estimation comprises the Main Contractor´s own production, and is as follows: Concrete Works: Stripping necessary topsoil (for whole site area) to a depth of 20 cm. and soil excavation in connection with establishing foundations, basement structures, and slabs, etc. Formwork and concrete works in connection with the aforementioned structures Concrete Element Works: Establishing concrete wall and slab structures in the building, including all mounting, casting, shoring, formwork and scaffolding. Masonry Works: All brickwork cladding on outer walls, tile-work in and on bathrooms´ walls and floors. Building Site: site establishment and management must be supplied by the Main Contractor The cost of the Carpentry, Painting & Finishing, and M&W works have been priced by sub-contractors (see next slide). These must be added to the Bidding Form. The Ground and Sewage Works will be delivered by the Client himself Each Group must consider themselves to be a Main Contractor, and they must price their own works (in red below) and the building site establishment and management. Used the delivered spreadsheet
The Tender Time Schedule for the Project
THE WBS (Work Breakdown Structure ) is the prerequisite for CALCULATING THE COST OF THE PROJECT AT DETAIL DESIGN PHASE (or DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE) Note: the items on WBS correspond to the Bidding Forms
When your group has estimated the cost of the Building Site, Concrete Works, Masonry Works, and Concrete Element Works, add on the given prices for the Carpentry, M&E and Painting and Finishing works, and submit the bid on the delivered Bidding Forms in a closed envelope on the 3rd March to the teachers The completed bidding forms will form the basis for the “competition” between groups