Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 1 State & University Library Aarhus, Denmark
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 2 State & University Library An institution under the Danish Ministry for Culture: Århus University Library Legal deposit Library Centre of Interlibrary loan
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 3 Statistics The library database Holds more than 2,000,000 books, records and CDs, sheet music etc., of which the major part is for use outside the library Electronic journals The Electronic journals of the State and University Library and the departmental libraries of Århus University Hospital amount to more than 10,000 titles in total Number of requests The State and University Library is handling about ½ million requests every year
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 4 Organizational Overview of the Danish library sector Ministry for Culture State & University Library National discotec National Collection LibraryCentre for Integration Århus University Library The Royal Library National Collection - holding Copenhagen University Library Danish National Library Authority Municipalities Central Library Public Library Central Library
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 5 Services of The State and University Library Presentation of selected national services: - Centre of Interlibrary loan - Danish Library Centre for Integration -
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 6 Centre of Interlibrary loan Competence Centre of Interlibrary Loans – we intermediate materials from all over the world National loan centre for: Public libraries Small and medium libraries Recearch libraries Special libraries Libraries outside Denmark ILL department for staff/students af Århus University
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 7 Centre of Interlibrary loan Resource Centre (Intermediator of E-resources, FirstSearch, Ingenta, WorldCat) Handling different document resources: –British Library –Subito –OCLC-WorldCat –Libris/Bibsys Library visits – user surveys
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 8 Interlibrary loans The State and University Library handles about 100,000 ILL (both individual and library requests) every year
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 9 Danish Library Centre for Integration National resource centre for all Danish public libraries, supporting their service to ethnic and linguistic minorities Located in Copenhagen
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 10 Danish Library Centre for Integration Services: Collections of books and other media (music, videos, audiobooks, language courses) for lending through local public libraries Promotion of public library services to linguistic minorities on a national level Advice and information on multilingual library services: acquisition, cataloguing, selection of newspapers and periodicals etc.
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 11 A project hosted by The State and University Library
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 12 Facts about A service that allows libraries in Denmark to offer their users music loans directly to their home computer over the internet The first library service in the world with free download of music Access to 500,000 tracks Sold to 136 Danish libraries 4,500 downloads each day 2,500 visits each day
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 13 How does it work? Public and central Libraries buy the service File of registered borrowers Register in our system The music is delivered as wma-files with access controlled through Microsofts DRM 10 technology. Windows Media Player will automatically download a licence valid for a number of days, after which the music will expire.
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 14 How does it work? Searching: *Artist *Album title *Track title
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 15 Contents From jazz to rock to classic to world music to... All genres are represented Contents are based on negotiations with music companies eg. EMI (several international labels/artists) Possibility to import the music to MP3- players
Vilnius – Leonardo da Vince Seminar – 7 May 2007 Anne Holst 16 Thank you for your attention! Questions?? Contact: Anne Holst