Physical Preparation and Multi-Jumps Dave Rowland BSc MBA ASCC CSCS and Rob Thickpenny BA (Hons), UKA3, MSMA
Multi-Jumps Develop the essential physical qualities for athletic performance including running Multi-Jumps exercises are a quick powerful movement using a pre-stretch or countermovement, that involves the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) The Myotatic stretch reflex – protective mechanism Develops the elastic properties of the muscles and MTU Recruitment of more type IIx fibres so positive implications for sprinters, throwers and jumpers What about endurance athletes?
Athlete produces force in an initial jump/hop/step Force Production Athlete produces force in an initial jump/hop/step Force Reduction As the athlete lands, impact forces must be rapidly controlled Force Transfer Force which has been effectively controlled is utilised in the SSC and reused
Strength – Speed Continuum Max strength Strength speed Speed strength Max speed HIGH FORCE HIGH VELOCITY Heavy Back Squat Olympic Lifting Med ball/p bag Plyometrics throws
Critical factors Movement competence at all costs – double footed jumps underpinned by squat pattern & SL exercises underpinned by lunge pattern Preparation for landing: Dorsi-flexed pre-tensioned ankle – ankle ‘stiffness’ Braced trunk Anticipate the landing and be reactive Cue the athlete to “attack the floor” Well developed trunk control and joint control before prescribing advanced methods and the height from which the athlete lands
Considerations No pre-existing injuries (particularly knees and heels) before attempting jumping type exercises Best performed on an even grass surface or a sprung floor/plyometric mat – caution is needed with some athletic surfaces such as Mondo. Quality not quantity – always minimum GCT Slow SSC = >250ms; fast SSC = <250ms If it looks good it probably is good – ‘shape’
Recommended contact times per session: Beginner (no experience) 80–100 Intermediate (some experience) 100-140 Advanced (considerable experience) 120-140 Baechle T., Earle R., 2000 Ability to Back Squat 1.5 x BW is not an accurate or appropriate indicator of whether an athlete is ready to commence a MJ programme. Neuromuscular recovery and movement quality must guide exercise prescription, reps, sets and load
Multiple Jumps & Hops (Intensity) Underpinning Movements Depth jumping/Shock Training Shock Training Bounding High intensity jumping Multiple Jumps & Hops (Intensity) Hurdle Jumps Box-to-box Steps Obstacle jumps Calf jumps Bunnies Easy Bound Variations Hops & Skips Multi-directional & rotational Multiple Jumps & Hops (Technique) CMJ Jumps to box + stabilize Single-Hops Standing Long Jump (broad jump) Jumps in place Squat Patterns Lunge Patterns Proprioceptive work & drills Underpinning Movements
Squat jumps (hands on hips) Practical options Squat jumps (hands on hips) Countermovement jump (hands on hips) + arms Jump to box (30-70cm) Hop and stick: R to R, L to L, L to R, R to L. Drop jump to pause (bilateral and unilateral) Jump over hurdle into vertical jump Depth jump (30-60cm) Power skips for height and distance Pogo jumps Hopping Single leg bounding