Rise of European Monarchy After the decline of the Roman Empire, except for Charlemagne’s brief rule, European government was largely ___________________________. Power was held in the hands of the feudal lords.
Medieval England Withdrawal of Rome in the 400s AD left Britain to __________, ___________and _____________. ________________________ unites Angles and Saxons in 886 AD. Angle-land ____________________________ last Anglo-Saxon king of England
Norman conquest Edward the Confessor left no male heir, leaving the throne up for contention. __________ Hardrada, William the ___________, __________ Godwinson
William the Conqueror: Battle of Hastings, 1066 (Tapestry)
Norman conquest ________________ 1066 Norman vassals given lands of Anglo-Saxon clergy and nobles _______________________ of bishops and nobles to advise king, local officials (sheriffs) collect taxes. Census recorded in ____________________.
Norman reforms Henry I Henry II Exchequer, department of ______________ System of _____________ Henry II Replaced old feudal laws with ________________. Grand ___________ and petit ___________ established in each community to establish guilt or innocence. Unsuccessful at imposing royal control over the church. Fought with _______________________ over right to punish clergy in royal courts.
Magna Carta, 1215 Nobles, afraid of losing power, meet at Runnymede in 1215 and force ______________ to sign the Great Charter. ___________________ places limits on king’s power; king is bound by law.
Rise of Parliament under Henry III ___________________________ leads to more towns and a new social class, the _______________class. Middle class knights and burgesses added to the _________________(Parliament) middle class merchants, townspeople [burgesses in Eng., bourgeoisie in Fr., burghers in Ger.] were added at the end of the 13c.
Model Parliament, 1295 Edward I summons Parliament with representatives from _____________, _____________and ____________________ By 1400 Parliament has two chambers House of Lords nobles and clergy House of Commons knights and burgesses
France Death of Charlemagne led to increasingly independent feudal states. 987 Hugh ___________ seizes throne from Carolingian king (Capetian dynasty) Robert Henry I Philip I (the amourous)
Louis VI (The Fat) Uses growth of towns to strengthen royal government Townspeople and clergy serve on court of advisors Grants _____________________ to towns. Asked by William X of Aquitaine to be guardian of his daughter, Eleanor. Louis VII (The Younger) Marries and divorces Eleanor, fights with Henry II
Philip II (1165-1223) Philip Augustus Acquired territory through _______________ War with Henry II over __________________ Joined forces with Henry II’s sons, Richard and John Forms a ____________ 3000 knights Louis VIII (1223-1226) Pretender to English throne (1215)
Louis IX (1226-1270) ___________________ dominant over feudal courts Only king could mint coins Intensely religious, proclaimed a saint in 1297 Died on Crusade (8th) Philip III Aragon Crusade, died of dysentry Philip IV
Philip IV, Philip the Fair (1268-1314) Extended French borders at England and Flanders’ expense. ___________________to pay for wars; taxed the clergy seized Jewish assets. Established the _________________, an assembly of nobles, clergy and townspeople French kings maintain _____________. Expelled Jews and annihilated Knights Templar (states within a state)
Otto I, Otto the Great Tried to restore empire of Charlemagne. Defeats Magyars in 955, seizes Lombardy in 961, helps ______ against Roman nobles. Crowned Emperor of Romans by the pope.
Holy Roman Empire _______________ I tries to take over northern Italy Entanglement with _______and __________ weakens strong central government in Germany.
Struggle between Church and State Conflict between emperors and the church led to ___________________________________. HRE broke up into __________________________and independent states. Neither Germany nor Italy developed _____________________________________________________ in the Middle Ages
Central and Eastern Europe Slavic people divide into western, southern and eastern Slavs. Western Slavs form Polish and Bohemian kingdoms with Hungary Eastern Slavs (__________________) had no written language…one developed by Byzantine missionary _______________(Cyrillic language) Southern Slavic people included __________(Roman Catholic), ____________and ______________________(Eastern Orthodox)
Kievan Rus Eastern Slavs also settled in present day Ukraine and Russia where they met the _______________________(the Rus) _________settled in Kiev and the Principality of Kiev became a prosperous region, attracting Eastern Orthodox missionaries _________________converts to Eastern Orthodox Eastern and Western Europe divided on __________________ grounds.
Mongol Rule _____________________ conquer Russia in 13th century Alexander ____________________ defeats a German invading army and is rewarded with title of grand-prince from the khan Descendents become ________________________________________