Enterprise Architecture EA Principles Revisions CIO Council Update


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Presentation transcript:

Enterprise Architecture EA Principles Revisions CIO Council Update 12/11/2017 Monday 3:40-4:10 Smith 561

Purpose and Intended Outcome To present the revised EA principles. Intended Outcome CIO Council validation of the revised principles and input on next steps.

Enterprise Architecture Framework Elements We proposed a framework for what content should be in the EA, and how it should be presented, that is organized around the components, or layers, of a physical architecture, from the end user experience all the way down the stack to the network that everything runs on. For each layer, the goal is to define a brief set of principles that articulate what matters at that layer for the University. Some of these principles will be about recommitting to existing best practices, others will be more aspirational. Underlying those principles will be a larger set of standards that articulate how to best align to the principles, and any number of resources that make it easier for teams to adopt the standards championed by EA.

CIO/SLT Interviews Validating Principles Is the intent of each principle clear? Do they represent future goals that are achievable? Do these principles reflect our highest EA priorities and vision? Review Process Interview comments compiled Review of each individual comment by the EA team Insightful and/or representative comments used to revise the Principle. Here are some questions we hope to answer during these feedback sessions. Practically, are the principles easy to understand and act on? More conceptually, do they represent a means of achieving the EA vision and do they reflect the most important priorities for each layer of the stack?

CIO/SLT Interviews 17 people interviewed, 310 comments

CIO/SLT Interviews

General Comments This is a (business/technical/software development/management) requirement. There is a lot of "apple pie" in the principles. I assume that the standards and resources will be more concrete. This material must move to the operating level: schools must participate in the standards work so they are not presented with a fait-accompli. The EA framework and process needs to be workable for and supported by technical folks for it to be successful. Perhaps we should push harder for cross University standards. Keeping the principles in mind may help prevent losing ground in areas where we have already made progress.

Security Key Comments Original Version Revised Version User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Key Comments Security: covers everything really well. Hard to argue with the security principles. Good to see security first. Original Version Revised Version Data Infrastructure Networking Assess risk across the entire system, not only within a particular layer No change Balance risk, asset value and cost to protect within the context of approved security policies Include both prevention measures and detection and response functions Build security into the entire product lifecycle Consider people, process and technology in making security decisions

User Experience Key Comments Original Version Revised Version Security User Experience User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Data Key Comments Principles are fine but are definitely aspirational. We don't currently focus on the user. Consider changing the word "implementation" which sounds like the end of a process to "testing" or something that makes it clear that it's continuous. Need to balance the cost and benefits of UI work and prioritize our efforts. Original Version Revised Version Infrastructure Networking Prioritize user impact in development and selection efforts No change Optimize for the entire user journey and experience Incorporate user feedback throughout the implementation process Incorporate user feedback throughout the design, testing and implementation process Ensure the accessibility and mobility of products Ensure the accessibility and mobility of products whenever possible

Applications Key Comments Original Version Revised Version Security Applications User Experience Applications Key Comments In-house development is appropriate for applications the differentiate Harvard and provide strategic advantages. Agree that shared solutions are desirable and looks for opportunities to collaborate with other schools and HUIT. Choosing flexible and adaptable applications is important. User needs and expectations are increasing; requiring adaptability and flexibility. Original Version Revised Version Middleware Interoperation Data Infrastructure Networking Minimize customization and in-house development No change Select and build applications that meet multiple needs and can support multiple organizations Select and build applications that include re-usable components Select and build applications that include shareable components, preferably using APIs Build and evaluate applications considering institutional security principles and policies Select and build applications that comply with modern development, operations and support practices Invest in applications that comply with contemporary development, operations and support practices

Middleware Key Comments Original Version Revised Version Security Middleware User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Data Key Comments The middleware layer is the least clear among the principles. I don't necessarily disagree with any of the principles but the could be clearer. What actions can schools take? Mostly think of middleware in terms of shared services. Not clear on what is included in the Middleware layer. The layers model matches OSI at the top and bottom, but not in the middle. Original Version Revised Version Infrastructure Networking Use middleware solutions for common, shared application functions No change Provide and support middleware solutions as shared services Use enterprise shared services whenever possible. Use middleware solutions that work in multi-tenant environments Use shared services that work in multi-tenant environments

Interoperation Key Comments Original Version Revised Version Security Interoperation User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Data Key Comments APIs must be used to share data between systems and should be developed so that they can be reused in different services. Optimize integration is the most important of the high-level EA goals Consider choosing a version numbering system that indicates a compatibility level. Original Version Revised Version Infrastructure Networking Build and use APIs to exchange data between systems Build and use reusable APIs to exchange data between systems Prefer open standards No change Document interoperation interfaces Select tools and products that have multiple implementations Minimize version changes and maintain backward compatibility Use an API versioning system to manage API changes and indicate compatibility levels.

Data Key Comments Original Version Revised Version Security Data User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Data Key Comments D1 doesn't stand on its own without more description. What is the difference between D1 and D4? They are too similar. Timely and simple are the keys to success. Original Version Revised Version Infrastructure Networking Minimize work for source systems Source systems should export data in a single format Transform data the smallest possible number of times Transform data the least number of times and into the smallest number of different formats Obtain data only when needed Obtain data only when needed in order to maximize data currency Make data available in the least number of required formats delete - Now combined with the second principle Document data element descriptions and meaning No change

Infrastructure Principles Security Infrastructure Principles User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Data Key Comments Public Cloud use is a technology decision not a principle. It might be better to describe what architectures to use instead of just cloud. This principle should be even stronger is possible. We don't automate anywhere near as much as we should. Original Version Revised Version Infrastructure Networking Use cloud based infrastructure first Use infrastructure and services that enable virtualization, abstraction, elasticity, and automation. Reuse common capabilities and automate processes whenever possible Reuse common capabilities and automate repetitive processes whenever possible Enable customers to actively manage their infrastructure including performance, cost and risk Use infrastructure and services that enable developers and administrators to manage application performance, cost and operational risk Ensure infrastructure services are secure, resilient and recoverable in a disaster Ensure infrastructure services offer appropriate levels of security, configurability, resiliency and recoverability.

Networking Key Comments Original Version Revised Version Security Networking User Experience Applications Middleware Interoperation Data Key Comments Network vendor software is generally proprietary/closed. Should N1 be just "use established standards?" A better principle might be "Identify failures you can recover from and those you cannot recover from and design accordingly". Should the principle simply say "prefer identity to ip address”? Original Version Revised Version Infrastructure Networking Leverage open and established standards Leverage open and established standards whenever possible Design for failure Identify failures modes and design accordingly Use supported IAM services and tools rather than network attributes for access control Control access using identity rather than network address Support multi-tenant environments and rapid provisioning no consensus on what this was intended to convey - delete it Enable self-service No change

Next Steps Advancing to standards: discovery, development, organization Discovery - Cloud Program standards and documentation Developing and Drafting - Interoperation Focus group - ETAB work Organizing, Publishing, and Socializing - EA Website as an entry point

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