Enterprise Data Model Enterprise Architecture approach Insights on application for through-life collaboration 2018 – E. Jesson
Content Introduction to Enterprise Architecture Method and modelling practice Illustration of use for Product-related collaboration Some resulting thoughts for Data standardization
Enterprise Architecture
Architecting the “Enterprise” system
An EA standard : TOGAF (OpenGroup) ADM Continuum Foundation Common / Core Model Business Specific Local specific Reference Architecture Building Blocks Solution Architecture
Introduction to Archimate (OpenGroup) 1/4 Core elements Information Behavior Actor Layers
Introduction to Archimate (OpenGroup) 2/4 From motivation to implementation
Introduction to Archimate (OpenGroup) 3/4 Roadmapping
Introduction to Archimate (OpenGroup) 4/4 Scenario analysis
Purpose of Archimate and position among other methods
Illustration of use for Product-related collaboration
Primary driver is to master processes & products and collaborate Business concerns Trustworthy and non-ambiguous information when needed throughout the product life-cycle… Reusable data Data analytics Contextualization user : all and only what he needs to know Needs Read and understand from other Reuse of data & artefacts without rework Map, trace and transform Avoid data rework
About collaboration and interoperability Different flavours of Collaboration Inside one Engineering Discipline domain Across Engineering disciplines Between Projects and Work packages Extra-Engineering collaboration In the extended enterprise (other Thales Entities and partners) Different ways of collaborating Team-working, concurrent working, co-operation, contribution Different levels of interoperability Interoperability of disciplines Interoperability of practices Interoperability of tools Enable data consistency in a distributed (even disconnected) environment
Stakes of modelling Product-related collaboration through the lifecycle Different paradigms and viewpoints e.g. What is a product? What is an item? What is a version? What is a baseline? Today’s stake is data usage Provide information from data distributed in many applications From different disciplines (engineering, supply chain, project) Product Data management vs Product management Business processes vs practices Lifecycle and Disciplines What is expected, what is delivered… Which format : Data,metadata, documents, models… Dynamics Tooled-practices
Metamodel used to analyse collaboration needs and solutions Can be used to model as-is, target and transitions reference processes and actual practices implemented in projects Standard tools and actual deployed tools Common patterns and local solutions … In order to support gap analysis, roadmapping….
Using Archimate to capture and understand collaboration needs Organizations Roles End-to-end process Operational use-case
Business Information first What, for what – How, who Start here
Layered information models over continuum Business concepts Meaning / Information Data Management Process-viewpoint Discipline objects Business rules and definitions Detailed characteristics Application Data Model Add data Mgt and tool conceptual layer to simplify by generalization and relying on behavior and business rules, additional semantic through list of values or classifications... - High level model is common what ever the practice level - internal interoperability within a discipline depends only on tool and tooled practice (working level) - internal interoperability mainly based on data : application data model not eng. Models - external data exchange : back and forth. Issue here is the meaning if application data.
… about standards Questions Expectations Purpose, Scope, Boundaries, overlap, consistency…? For experts, business, IT…? Expectations Modular and layered framework Different abstraction / details levels Global (engineering + supply chain + …) Business-driven and user-focused Support process and practice definition Business Standards vs tooled-practice standards Applicable and usable by working level and IT teams Requirements for technical implementation