Update on the Diagnosis and Management of CTEPH in Latin America
Clinical Classification of PH
Pulmonary Endarterectomy Surgery: Scar Tissue Removal
Results of PE
History of PE Is a Risk Factor for CTEPH
Diagnosis of CTEPH (SCAR): A Step-Wise Process
SCAR: S = Suspect
SCAR: C = Confirm
SCAR: AR = Assess Risk
CTEPH Is Not Just a Clot Problem
CTEPH Is Not Just a Clot Problem (cont)
CTEPH Treatment Algorithm
Key Principles Regarding the Management of CTEPH
Key Principles Regarding the Management of CTEPH (cont)
CTEPH Treatment: Patients Deemed Operable
CTEPH Treatment Algorithm (cont)[a]
Pulmonary Endarterectomy Specimen: Significant Thromboembolic Material
UCSD Experience With Pulmonary Endarterectomy
UCSD Experience With Pulmonary Endarterectomy (cont)
CTEPH: Determining Operability
Potentially Inoperable Patient With CTEPH
CTEPH Treatment Algorithm (cont)
Riociguat for the Treatment of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CHEST-1)
Riociguat: Mechanism of Action
CHEST-1*: Mean Change From Baseline in 6MWD
CHEST-2: Long-Term Extension Study of Riociguat for CTEPH
AEs in the CHEST-2 Study
Potential Scenarios for Targeted Medical Therapy in CTEPH
Patient Offered BPA
Pulmonary Endarterectomy and BPA: Comments
Summary and Conclusions
Abbreviations (cont)