Getting Ready for IB Exams Exam Orientation 2017
Communication is essential In the chart on the clipboard, fill in your name, your cell # and your parent’s cell # in case you are not where I expect you to be and need to find you. PRINT NEATLY! On your phone, please enter my cell phone number – 804-337-9741 – for you to use ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY. Do not abuse this knowledge.
And also on your phone Take a picture of the candidate information page I have given you. Email it to yourself and your parents. You will need this information to access your scores on July 6. (I will not answer your emails or texts for this information after June 29. I will be on vacation.) Seniors, if you did not do this in English, TOK, art or drama, do it ASAP. If you no longer have this sheet, come see me later so you can have one.
Conduct of the Examinations Rule # 7 is the most important and is the default for all other rules. THE INVIGILATOR MUST BE OBEYED! Besides me, our other invigilators are Ms. Baylor, and Mr. Ramsdell.
Banned from the exam room Anything internet capable – watches, glasses, phones, etc Notes or paper Books or guides Food and water, except what is provided Pencil pouches
You may bring Pens (blue or black) Pencils (although all answers except graphs or diagrams must be in pen) Highlighters or colored pencils (although all responses must be blue or black ink only Approved calculator that demonstrates its memory is wiped clean (Bio and Chem, papers 2 and 3; Math Studies, papers 1 and 2; Math SL paper 2) A sweatshirt Snacks for the break or for lunch (left in your back pack)
The schedule Two different venues Monday, 5/1-Friday, 5/5, at DRRC on Ridgefield Pkwy Monday, 5/8- Friday, 5/12, at Belmont on Hilliard Rd Monday, 5/15- Friday, 5/19, at DRRC Bus transportation available to and from except for Monday, 5/1, after Bio, paper 2 – parent pick up at 4 (SL) or 5 (HL) at DRRC Tuesday, 5/9, after History, paper 2 – parent pick up at 4:15 at Belmont Thursday, 5/11, after Chemistry, paper 2 – parent pick up at 4 (SL) or 5 (HL) at Belmont
Absences and return to school For exams that start at 9:35, you are not expected to go to school if you are driving. For exams that end at 3:30 or later, you are not expected to return to school. You are expected to be in school in the morning if the exam does not start until 12:30! You are expected to return to school if the exam ends before 3. Absences for times other than exams are not excused.
Long Days You are expected to remain at the venue. Bring food!! You will eat lunch there! Thursday, 5/4: English, Paper 2, and Maths, Paper 1 at DRRC Tuesday, 5/9: Chinese, Paper 2, and History, Paper 1 at Belmont Friday, 5/12: Chemistry, Paper 3, and Psych, Paper 1 at Belmont
Transportation Exam permission form is required. This is a “field trip.” Fill in each date and session, exam taken and whether you will come by bus or car. If you sign up for bus and don’t show up, it is a disciplinary issue. If you don’t sign up for the bus but decide at the last minute to ride, you are welcome as long as you are on time. FORM DUE TO THE IB OFFICE NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, 4/25!!!
Conduct You are ambassadors for our school out in public. Remember that people will judge our school based on your behavior. Pick up after yourself, and talk softly. Read “Conduct of the Examinations” and Honesty policy and then sign the form. RETURN TO IB OFFICE NO LATER THAN 4/25!!
The exams – entrance and intake Exams begin at the “Bus arrival” time. If you are driving, that’s when you should be at the location, if not before. If you are late, you may not take the exam. If you have an accident, however, call me!!! Invigilator will read a set script to you prior to entry Enter the room quietly. Find your assigned spot, which will be designated by a card with your name and session number. Leave phones in the car, your backpack, or with me. No talking once in the examination room.
Exam materials Answer booklets Test booklets Writing utensils Put your session number in the appropriate spaces. Enter the number of the question correctly You may have as many as you need. Test booklets Some test booklets are answer booklets. Write in the space provided. Use answer booklets if you need more space. For those others, you may write on them. They are your scratch paper. They will be taken up after the exam. Chemistry and the maths exams also have an additional information booklet. Do not write in these. Writing utensils Blue or black ink only. Strike through mistakes and move on. Bring your supplies in a clear baggie. NO PENCIL POUCHES!!! Rulers or calculators Calculators must be cleared prior to entry. We have rulers.
Once in the exam room No talking. Sit in your assigned seat. No changing! I will make announcements and reminders, then I have a set script I must read. You will have a 5 minute read time for all exams except Bio and Chem, papers 1. During that time, you may not have a writing utensil in your hand. Read time, start time, exit window time, and end time will be posted around the room.
Temporary absence during exam If you must use the restroom, raise your hand. An invigilator will escort you to the restroom. Only one student out of the room at a time. No restroom visits once the exit window begins. All entrances, exits, and anything else is written down in case we are audited by IB
Academic Misconduct Communicating in any way to another student during the exam Having an electronic device on your person, regardless of whether you access it Borrowing anything from another student during an exam Bringing any papers into the exam Talking about the exam to ANYONE for 24 hours after the exam
Exit window No departures may happen during the first hour or the last 15 minutes. Therefore, if the exam is shorter than 1 hour, 15 minutes, there is no exit window. For those exams that are longer, the exit window will be posted. You are encouraged to stay, write and work the whole time. Once you have departed, you may not re-enter the exam room while the exam is in session. Remain quietly in the lobby until the bus arrives.
End of exam Make sure you fill out the cover sheet correctly. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sit with your materials in front of you. Remain in your seat until your materials are taken from you by an invigilator. No talking until you leave the exam room.
Exam Preparation Get a good night’s sleep Eat protein before testing Follow your teachers’ advice. See “IB Exam Strategies” for more advice. Take your time, breathe and don’t panic!!
We can do this!!